While Trump-endorsed candidates win stunning primary victories in Ohio and Pennsylvania, Democrats and the liberal media go all out with a propaganda hearing to air Thursday evening at 8pm Eastern. ABC, CBS, NBC, and every other network except Fox gang up with the same futile goal: to try to stop one man, Donald Trump.
Americans have already heard and rejected the anti-Trumpers’ fraudulent spin on last year’s January 6 rally at the U.S. Capitol, and the public has long since moved on. More Americans prefer Trump to Biden now, as we struggle to cope with the “Bidenflation,” another foreign war, and many other problems.
But rather than address real issues facing our country, Democrats and Liz Cheney (R-WY) resort to their theater of the absurd. They will present their tedious, biased version of January 6, while Tucker Carlson will compete with an honest explanation of what happened.
The U.S. Capitol is a public building, and video evidence shows that police officers opened an entrance to welcome the rally-goers inside on January 6. Other video evidence shows uncharged individuals who infiltrated a peaceful crowd and incited confrontations that day, yet government witnesses refuse to explain the active role of government agents and informants.

Liz Cheney is not a Hollywood actress, and should not embarrass herself by trying to be one. No amount of make-up can transform her dog-and-pony show into anything more than an amateurish county fair skit.
Desperate people do desperate things, and no one is more desperate than Cheney now as she faces a rebuke by Wyoming voters in her primary in two months. She is delusional if she thinks Wyoming voters support her never-ending jihad against Trump.
Congress lacks credibility with the American public, and few are fooled by its fake, self-serving investigations. The Pelosi-led House has failed to gain traction with its headline-grabbing subpoenas, contempt citations, and silly disclosures of old text messages.
A reality show about how the Deep State mistreats January 6 activists would have higher television ratings. Video from the “D.C. Gulag,” where patriots who exercised their First Amendment rights at the Capitol remain incarcerated under inhumane conditions without a trial, would attract a larger audience.
The first witnesses at the upcoming prime-time hearing should be the provocateurs who were never arrested or charged. They need to be asked why they incited the crowd, and who paid them to do that.
Federal agents spend too much of their time in undercover work that borders on entrapment, eliciting alleged criminal conduct that never would have occurred without their incitement. The recent jury acquittals of men accused of trying to kidnap the Michigan governor was a repudiation of government sting operations.
The next witnesses at the upcoming J6 hearing should be the many innocent people who entered the Capitol to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights. The public should hear about the toll that the Deep State infringement on their constitutional rights has taken on them and their families.
A real hearing would invite testimony by Trump supporters abused in the DC Gulag, who could be brought into the hearing room in shackles and chains. Then the public would benefit from testimony by their family members about how difficult this ordeal has been for them.
Television ratings might perk up from abysmally low levels if the colorful Shaman were invited to appear in costume. He was callously sentenced to nearly 3.5 years in prison for the “crime” of his entertaining protest against Vice President Mike Pence, who had planned to fly to Israel that same day rather than listen to Trump supporters.
Viewership would perk up by inviting testimony from the guy who declared he “broke the internet” by carrying off Pelosi’s podium. That was genuine entertainment by the stay-at-home dad Adam Johnson, for which he received a 75-day prison sentence, and rewatching those images would attract a larger audience than the communist-style show hearing that Pelosi and Cheney will air.
A television audience might gather if there were candid testimony about the DOJ’s biased practice of prosecuting conservatives more harshly than liberals. The unfair sentencing recommendations by the DOJ of J6 participants was criticized by federal judge Trevor McFadden: “The U.S. Attorney’s Office would have more credibility if it was evenhanded in its concern about riots and mobs in the city.”
Democrats and Liz Cheney are in panic mode now a mere 4 months away from early voting for the midterm elections. If the negative 13-point approval/disapproval rating of Biden persists then it will be a Republican landslide, which Democrats are trying anything to avert.
Fortunately, Americans dislike propaganda shows. Trump’s post-show mockery of the Pelosi-Cheney charade will be more worthwhile and interesting.
Congress was humiliated by the public on January 6. But Congress has not learned, and steps into more embarrassment for itself.
John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.