Finally, the U.S. Senate is starting to assert itself. By passing the Byrd-Hagel Resolution 95 to 0 on July 25, it served notice on President Clinton that the Senate is not going to be a party to reducing the standard of living of Americans in order … [Read more...] about Global Warning about Global Warming
Al Gore Calls Us to a New Religion
Is your old-time religion getting a little stale? Do you feel in need of some spiritual revitalization? If you are interested, then V. P. wannabee Al Gore may be just the prophet you've been waiting for. In his much ballyhooed new book, Earth in … [Read more...] about Al Gore Calls Us to a New Religion
Let Us Choose Our Public School — October 1986
Let Us Choose Our Public School America has determined that the taxpayers will pay for Medicare and Medicaid, but recipients are not required to get these benefits from a "government" hospital or a "government" physician. The individual can … [Read more...] about Let Us Choose Our Public School — October 1986
The Republican Party Platform — August 1980
Gasoline Shortage Blame — July 1979
The Costs and Inequalities of SALT II — May 1979
America’s Future: Growth or No Growth? — September 1978
The American people are at last waking up to the fact that Dr. Kissinger's detente is a one-way street by which the Soviets eat our grain and we swallow their baloney. Many people have urged that we use our grain power as a lever to restrain Soviet … [Read more...] about Gasohol
Brazil & Japan
First question: What is the principal export product of Brazil? If your answer was coffee, you are wrong. All the geography books and encyclopedias are now obsolete. This year, coffee dropped to second place b hind the giant Brazilian crop of … [Read more...] about Brazil & Japan
Streetcars and Buses
One of the hit tunes from Judy Garland's movie "Meet Me In St. Louis" was "The Trolley Song." "Clang, clang, clang, went the trolley." About the time that movie was released in the 1940s, there was a drive to eliminate streetcars for urban … [Read more...] about Streetcars and Buses