In What You Need to Know, Strong wage growth roils markets; Louisiana Senator John Milkovich on his book Robert Mueller Errand Boy for the New World Order; In Eagle Action, help the Heartbeat Bill get passed by heading to, F2A.ORG, and copying on your emails sent; December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, a day that will live in infamy; In Swamp News, Is Joe Biden Running for President? He Can’t Decide.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, fake news enemy of people, Mueller and Comey are friends, Andrew Weissman, crooked Hillary, Rod Rosenstein, DNC exposed, China talks going well, Mueller counter report, witch hunt should never happen again, Paul Kengor on his article When Maxine Called President Bush a Racist; Jerry Bowyer of on the Trump economy; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Conservatives Shake Off Celebrity Endorsements; In Your Turn, UKIP is imploding; Theresa May could lose her job.