What You Need to Know is Donald Trump won a corrupt Presidential primary. The systems of the Republican National Committee are rife with corruption, especially when money is involved. After Citizens United, candidates became less reliant on the RNC for their races, which meant that the RNC now has to rely on the Presidential primary as its big money-maker. The open primary system has also allowed Democrats to vote in Republican primaries. (They all voted for Haley, of course). Donald Trump bucked the entire system in 2016, and his victory in the corrupt South Carolina primary is a sign that he is bucking the system again.
Gregory Wrightstone, geologist, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington Virginia, and author of Inconvenient Facts: The science Al Gore doesn’t want you to know, joins Ed to discuss the truth about climate change. There is no climate crisis, Wrightstone makes clear, and both the Earth and humanity are thriving and prospering. CO2 is a great molecule, and we do not need to fear it, Gregory tells Ed.
Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, author of 26 books, most recently including Unbreakable Spirit: Rising Above All Odds, joins Ed to discuss his new book. Dr. Zitelmann tells Ed about the stories of those who rose above all odds to achieve victory. The book is meant to be motivating for everyone, disabled or not. A victimhood mentality is terrible, he says, and no matter one’s lot in life they should not turn themselves into a victim.
Wrap Up: South Carolina primary isn’t just a mandate-victory for Trump, it’s a great rebuke of the establishment wing of the party. The grassroots has made themselves clear!