The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on The Pro America Report, and it’s great to be with you today. We’ve got some great guests. We will get to them in just a moment. We will catch up with our old friend Todd Bensman about what’s happening at the border. And also we will visit with John Schlafly. He’s got a new column out. All of that and more coming up.
But first, well, what you need to know today, Republicans, well, they’ll always let you down. They’ll always let you down. I don’t know if there could be a set of issues that is more galvanizing for the public right now than what’s happening in this country. We have inflation out of control, energy costs out of control. We have supply chain things happening. We have a president who seems to be talking past the public. He seems either clueless or out of touch. We have wars in the world, in the Ukraine, where it looked like we were going to fight there or something, and now we’re not. And the world is looking up, going, what is this? Halfway in, half way out, all kinds of things happening.
And somehow in the midst of that, the Republicans in the US Senate can do the one thing that would dishearten their own people kind of 100%. And it doesn’t even matter what the details are.
It just matters that Republicans in the Senate, U.S. Senate, have announced that they came up with a deal on gun control. They’re going to expand some registration. I don’t even know, I don’t even know what’s in it.
I just know that somehow when the Democrats in the media demand something, nine times out of ten, maybe seven times out of ten, Republicans will resist.
But three out of ten times they fall for it and they decide that they have to do something in order to appease the media and the left. And here’s an example of it.
And so if it wasn’t bad enough that they’re doing some kind of gun control bill, what became clear to the public and was reported quickly on the press was on the floor of the Senate.
They said there’s never been in a year and a half since Joe Biden got in office, there’s never been such collegiality. All the senators are getting along again, and they’re flashing the thumbs up sign at each other and they’re jockeying and jocular and laughing.
There even was a report which has now been denied. It’s been admitted, but they say he said it’s a joke. Senator Cornyn, who from Texas again, Republican from Texas, I don’t know why he thinks he’s got to be a guy that sort of goes soft on these issues. He’s the one leading the charge on the gun stuff. And he said to one of his colleagues on the floor of the Senate, (laughing) we’re having a good time.
He said, you know, we’ll go do amnesty next.
First guns, then amnesty. Hahahaha!
And Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona said, yeah, we will. And she’s of course a swing vote a lot of times. And so here’s the point. Now they’ve denied it.
Everybody says it was a joke. It’s not a joke. It’s not a joke.
Republicans, when they’re clear of their primaries, most of them are, or they’re retiring, they will go for all of this swamped up stuff. They will fall for the narrative machine which pounds into their heads that you’re a bad guy, a bad girl, a bad senator, a bad person, bad leader if you don’t do some kind of gun control.
And so that’s what happened. And here’s what you need to know. One, the base is going to be really, really mad. Now, they may get over it, a lot of them, but more and more people are saying to themselves, we can’t get Republicans who will fight on the things we know are real. January 6 prisoners, the culture wars that are happening, abortion, the Republicans always kind of have a way to dance back from the edge.
But there’s more Republicans, there’s more MAGA, especially, Americans, who are just saying, I’m done with the party.
But here’s the bigger problem. Do you recognize the preview? Do you recognize the preview of what is likely to happen in January of 2023 if there is a US. Senate that’s controlled very narrowly, say by five votes,by Republicans and a President Biden, which will be there a Democrat and let’s say there’s a Republican House. The same people that are selling out the American people on the gun deal will be in a position to say, and they’ll be given cover. They’ll be saying, schumer will be saying, I can get you 20 votes. And you go like this. And we’ll do some of these things. We’ll do some of the Green New deal, not the really bad stuff, but some of the stuff that gives away a bunch of money. We’ll do some more Covid spending and you Republicans, you can run cover for us and then Biden will sign it. And you can say things like, look at how bipartisan we are. Look at how much we get along. That’s what the preview should be. And the big one will be that for a decade, certainly a decade, about that, maybe a little more.The big moneyed interests that used to back the Republican Party more than they did the Democrat Party, but now they back everybody, that wanted amnesty for illegals, that wanted the open borders. Now they’ll be in a position where in January you’ll get Republicans in power and they’ll say, well, we’re not going to get any real pro-life legislation passed because Joe Biden said he will veto it all. We’re not going to get any real America First legislation passed because Joe Biden said he’d veto it.
But you know what we can do? We can go ahead and get those Dreamers those young people that came here and these sad songs. We’ll get that stuff done and we will be faced with the prospect of amnesty. It’ll probably be next. They’ll do TPP. They’ll go back and do trade deals. They’ll probably go back. They’ll probably go back on all these things The Republicans will decide that they can be cover, the neocon wars overseas. They’ve done that for massive spending. So from guns to amnesty to wars to what next? And here’s the thing.
When you look closely at this and what you need to know is this is where people really come to believe and see the sort of uniparty system where they basically use each other, the people in power, to stay within the rails of power. Because if you’re a US. Senator, you still have influence over appointments no matter whether you’re in a minority or not. The House is a little different, but they stay within these rails where everybody is getting more power, everybody is getting wealthier. It’s never personal for them. They’re the ruling class. You don’t get personal with the ruling class and it’s a disaster. So the gun cave, caving in on guns is the perfect sort of opportunity to understand that this is a preview of what can come down the line, what will be coming down the line in January of 2023 if we’re not careful. And you could say, well, Blake Masters and JD. Vance, they might make it to the Senate. They don’t want these kinds of things. They’ll be in the majority and they’ll be able to be put in the minority. They’ll be able to sort of manage because it’ll be cobbled together and they’ll be isolated. They’ll be treated like Ted Cruz and Josh Holly and they won’t be like, I don’t think that they’ll be like Jeff Sessions, senator Sessions in the past, who was really tough on these things. Ultimately, that’s what we should fear. And tomorrow, I think it’s tomorrow we’re going to have Mickey Kaus on and Mickey Kaus had a tweet and said, stay paranoid. They ought to be T shirts.
Stay paranoid, especially when it comes to illegal immigration and the reality of amnesty. Stay paranoid is the right message. What you need to know is stay paranoid. And I was on the phone with some great patriots, real great people who are sodisheartened, they say the whole system is broken. Well, true enough.
But you got to keep fighting. You got to believe you can bring it back and you got to believe that you can fight through it.
And we’re going to talk, I think tomorrow I’m going to talk with my friend Cynthia Hughes about the Patriot Freedom Project, which I’m helping her with, and how to stand up for the defendants, the January 6 defendants who are stuck in jail. They’re stuck in jail and it’s like one or two members of the Republican Caucus, in the House that are fighting, MTG and louie gohmert. That’s it.
Stay paranoid, my friends.
We got to take a break. We’ll be right back. It’s Ed Martin here in the Pro America Report back in a moment.