In What You Need to Know, we’ve talked about The Mueller Report everyday since The Ed Martin Movement began; 2019 is the year we must solidify the Trump movement and America First; We the people are in charge; April 29th the revamped Ed Martin Movement begins exclusively in San Diego; Salena Zito explains why @AOC is like @REALDONALDTRUMP; John Smith on being the subject of the new movie Breakthrough; Abortion survivor Melissa Ohden; In Swamp News, go to to sign up for Ed’s email list; When the swamp doesn’t have an argument they fall back on the laundry list; Either he committed a crime or he didn’t.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, game over, Dallas Morning Star; Mark Schneider gives an update on the #GreenNuclearDeal; Janet Folger Porter of on the Ohio heartbeat bill; Larry Elder on Fox & Friends guest: Black families were better off as slaves; Candace Owens; Joe Biden; In Your Turn, Text or call Ed at 314-256-1776, email him, and follow him on Twitter @EagleEdMartin; Holy Week is a special time.