In What You Need to Know, Ed is live from Naples, Florida after the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Luncheon; 2016 ELECTION INTERFERENCE RESULTS IN THIRD-LARGEST FEC FINE IN HISTORY, BUT IT DOESN’T INVOLVE TRUMP OR RUSSIA; Wilbur Ross and the Census on Capitol Hill; RINOs voting against Trump and a few voting with Trump; Lawyer Bobby Leatherman on President Trump Flips Control of First Federal Appeals Court, In Swamp News, Jeb and FEC fines not being reported.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Jexodus movement, new evidence of Trump spying, this should never happen again, thank great Republican senators, spoke to Jacinda Ardern; Larry Ward, president of Political Media Inc., on the Stand with Tucker Carlson website; In Heartland Heroes, Jordan Henry shares stories about Taps playing retiree atones for missed service in Vietnam and Man Reunites Lost Dog with Owner By Standing on Street Corner with Canine and Sign for Two Days; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: The Myth of Separation of Church and State, In Your Turn, what will happen in the European elections in May?