Earlier this spring, the House passed a pretty good welfare reform bill, due largely to the perseverance of Rep. Jim Talent (R-MO). The Senate Finance Committee, however, has just watered down the reforms in the bill and downgraded its reference to … [Read more...] about Who’s Holding Up Welfare Reform?
The Legal Services Corporation Should Be Abolished
The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is the acid test to demonstrate whether or not the new Republican majority really intends to reform and reduce Big Government. If the Republicans merely play around with smoke and mirrors, pretending to correct … [Read more...] about The Legal Services Corporation Should Be Abolished
Let’s Get Going on Congressional Investigations
The power to conduct Congressional investigations is one of the great powers of the majority party in Congress. This power has been extensively used in this century, contributing mightily to the public's right to know the facts behind the headlines … [Read more...] about Let’s Get Going on Congressional Investigations
Will Health Care Defeat Republicans in 1996? — June 1995
Will Health Care Defeat Republicans in 1996? The defeat of Clinton’s Health Care bill last year was a big victory for Republicans and played a major role in-the election of a Republican Majority in Congress. Unfortunately, some Republicans … [Read more...] about Will Health Care Defeat Republicans in 1996? — June 1995
Getting a Job After Graduation Isn’t Easy Any More
The defeat of Clinton's Health Care bill last year was a big victory for Republicans and played a major role in the election of a Republican Majority in Congress. Unfortunately, some Republicans seem to think that this disposed of … [Read more...] about Getting a Job After Graduation Isn’t Easy Any More
The Party’s Over for Big Business
Before Big Business and Big Banks finish patting themselves on the back for the clever way they outmaneuvered the American people and got the Clinton/Dole/Gingrich troika to bail out their failed peso investments, they should read Fortunemagazine's … [Read more...] about The Party’s Over for Big Business
Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending!
Last November's election was a mandate to cut federal spending - not just a desire for Balanced Budget Amendment promises, but a mandate to wield the ax. The American voters have finally awakened to the fact that Big Government can't solve our … [Read more...] about Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending!
Is Our Government Trading Dollars for Pesos?
Something happened on the way to the first foreign policy crisis of our post November-1994 government. Somehow, the new Republican majority seems to have forgotten its role as the party of the opposition and protector of U.S. taxpayers against raids … [Read more...] about Is Our Government Trading Dollars for Pesos?
What’s So Wrong About GATT/WTO? — October 1994
Memo to Republicans Who Hope to Win Elections
Wake up, Republicans in Congress, and feel the tide rolling across grassroots America. The tide is rushing against government controlled health care, and you have two options. Step out in front and act like you are leading this sea change in public … [Read more...] about Memo to Republicans Who Hope to Win Elections