Although California decisively defeated a school voucher initiative on the ballot last November, its legislature may have done more to promote school choice than the defeated proposal could have done. Two controversial California state laws, enacted … [Read more...] about California’s Problems Not Just About Power
The NEA Union Stays the Leftwing Course — August 1998
The NEA Union Stays the Leftwing Course The good news is, we were saved from the threat of a mega-union running the public schools when delegates to the National Education Association (NEA) convention this summer repudiated their own leadership by … [Read more...] about The NEA Union Stays the Leftwing Course — August 1998
The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again — August 1995
The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again The people who control America's public schools gathered in Minneapolis over the Fourth of July weekend and set off their own brand of fireworks. Some 8,544 delegates to the National Education … [Read more...] about The NEA Proves Itself Extremist Again — August 1995
The Hot Topic in Iowa Is Not Taxes
The presidential candidates who think they can run on economics issues alone and avoid the cultural issues had better bypass Iowa, because the cultural issues are red hot there. It wasn't tax-and-spend issues that brought 1,500 voters out to a Des … [Read more...] about The Hot Topic in Iowa Is Not Taxes
Character Is the Crucial Issue — January 1995
Character Is the Crucial Issue One byproduct of the sexual revolution starting in the 1960s is the change in the writing of biography. In earlier eras, it was considered ungentlemanly to reveal the sexual adventures of prominent persons. Friendly … [Read more...] about Character Is the Crucial Issue — January 1995
Revealing Secrets About College Education
A shocking secret about some of the most prestigious institutions in the United States has finally broken onto the front page of the New York Times. A college education no longer takes four years! According to the National Center for Education … [Read more...] about Revealing Secrets About College Education
Health Care “Compromises” Go From Bad to Worse
President Clinton's big mistake was to release his health care bill last year. It died after enough people read the scary details. The Administration's game plan now is to revive it under other labels, such as Mitchell or Gephardt, but keep the text … [Read more...] about Health Care “Compromises” Go From Bad to Worse
Look Who’s Teaching Our Children! — September 1994
Colleges Should Display Warning Labels — April 1994
Condoms Nixed by New York Court
In a smashing victory for parents over arrogant public school administrators who are aiding and abetting promiscuity, the New York state courts have thrown out the distribution of condoms to New York City students. This is a crushing defeat for the … [Read more...] about Condoms Nixed by New York Court