… [Read more...] about Obscenity & Violence in the Mails, Movies & TV — March 1977
Will ERA Force All Private Schools Coed? — December 1976
In The Name Of Education — December 1976
Parents’ Rights In Education — November 1976
Most Congressional bills or amendments that pass one House but are not voted on in the other House die quietly without further controversy. An exception to this rule is an amendment to the educationbill proposed by Congressman John Conlan which would … [Read more...] about SECULAR HUMANISM
Parents’ Rights
When public schools become intolerable because of crime, drugs, immorality, teenage pregnancies, VD, failure to teach moral values, lack of discipline, or failure to teach basic skills such as reading and writing, the rich and the well-to-do have an … [Read more...] about Parents’ Rights
Student Loan Program
The Higher Education Act of 1965 established the guaranteed student loan program in order to enable financially needy students to attend college or vocational school. Under this program, a student can borrow up to $5,000 for undergraduate college or … [Read more...] about Student Loan Program
Religion in Politics
In 1960 the winning presidential candidate, John F. Kennedy, went to great pains to put distance between himself and his church and to reassure every questioner that his religion would never interfere with his judgment as President. His campaign … [Read more...] about Religion in Politics
The Teaching of Writing
In our current era of consumerism, it is a wonder that Ralph Nadar or some public interest law firm hasn't investigated the shoddiest consumer product or service on the market today -- the teaching of writing by the public schools. When Detroit … [Read more...] about The Teaching of Writing
Grime and Punishment — March 1976