“If you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Period.” Those words will haunt Barack Obama through the remainder of his term, and probably achieve eternal life in books of memorable quotations. Obama’s words will levy … [Read more...] about The President Lied to Us
War on Religious Freedom
Americans who believe in God had better wake up and realize that a well-orchestrated campaign is moving to fundamentally transform the United States into a scrupulously secular nation. If this succeeds, we will no longer enjoy our First Amendment … [Read more...] about War on Religious Freedom
Obama’s Politics About Government Shutdown
Americans were shocked by headlines like, “Priests Face Arrest for Holding Mass During Shutdown.” News accounts reported that Catholic priests were warned that they are not permitted to minister on base during the shutdown and they risk … [Read more...] about Obama’s Politics About Government Shutdown
Education Reporter — October 2013
Boehner Republicans Heading for Big Mistake
What in the world is the matter with Boehner Republicans in the U.S. House? Haven’t they had enough of Obama exceeding his presidential authority, disobeying the Constitution by refusing to “take care that the laws be faithfully … [Read more...] about Boehner Republicans Heading for Big Mistake
Education Reporter — September 2013
Is Article V in Our Future?
Attacks on the U.S. Constitution are coming from all sides. The New York Times opened its op-ed page to several liberal professors of government: one calls our Constitution “imbecilic,” another claims it contains … [Read more...] about Is Article V in Our Future?
Judges Who Want to be Supremacists
Redefining the First Amendment is a core aim of Barack Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform the United States.” He is steadily changing the First Amendment’s words, “free exercise” of religion, to the much more … [Read more...] about Judges Who Want to be Supremacists
Education Reporter — July 2013
Big Brother Obama Is Watching
It has become evident that Barack Obama’s definition of “fundamentally transforming the United States” includes Big Brother harassing selected conservatives while monitoring everybody’s email and telephone traffic. These seem … [Read more...] about Big Brother Obama Is Watching