The China Connection Is the Real Scandal Now we know why the Democrats were so vicious in their attacks on Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) and Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN). Theirs were the committees that were closing in on the China connection, the … [Read more...] about The China Connection Is the Real Scandal — June 1998
Copyrights vs. The Public Interest
Bill Clinton got a big laugh when he joked at the White House Correspondents' Dinner that the 105th Congress is, like Seinfeld, about "nothing." But that's not true; Congress is trying to pass some very detrimental laws in some areas where we wish it … [Read more...] about Copyrights vs. The Public Interest
NATO Expansion Is European Welfare
All the arguments that the Republican Congress used in order to pass welfare reform, after President Clinton vetoed it twice, apply just as importantly to the upcoming vote on the NATO Expansion Treaty. This Treaty would continue old-style welfare to … [Read more...] about NATO Expansion Is European Welfare
Big Brother Is on the Prowl
Do you worry that Big Brother (a.k.a. the Federal Government) wants to monitor your e-mail, your phone calls, your health and financial records, and your business? You should, and that's why Sen. John Ashcroft's Subcommittee on the Constitution is … [Read more...] about Big Brother Is on the Prowl
Adios Bilingual Education!
If trend-setting California passes the English For the Children initiative on June 2, that will be good news for public school children all over the country. This initiative would require that all children in California public schools be taught in … [Read more...] about Adios Bilingual Education!
Clinton Is Selling Us down the Rivers
Can you believe the chutzpa of Clinton? Without any constitutional or Congressional authority, he is proceeding with a vast plan for the federal bureaucracy to take over our nation's rivers and their adjacent lands. Of course, this grab for power … [Read more...] about Clinton Is Selling Us down the Rivers
Watch out for Marriage Tax “Reform”
"The hottest tax cut in 1998" is the way some Congressmen are describing their infatuation with the notion of eliminating the so-called "marriage tax." But taxpayers should beware of the current political passion for targeted tax cuts rather than … [Read more...] about Watch out for Marriage Tax “Reform”
Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding
While most Americans were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts with family members, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin spent Christmas Eve at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York conniving to force the American taxpayers to give gifts of … [Read more...] about Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding
Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
Memories are short. Some Republicans don't seem to remember why they captured control of Congress away from the Democrats in 1994 for the first time in four decades. A major factor in that landmark victory was the American people's decisive rejection … [Read more...] about Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
National Tests Allow Clinton to Brainwash Students
President Clinton used veto threats to try to browbeat Congress into accepting national testing of schoolchildren because he knows that whoever writes the tests controls the curriculum, and his Administration's goal is, indeed, national control of … [Read more...] about National Tests Allow Clinton to Brainwash Students