Copyright extremists are working to control as much information as possible. Almost every week we see a new example of how they are thwarting the free flow of information. The leaders of the copyright lobby are the Hollywood movie distributors and … [Read more...] about Copyright Extremists Should Not Control Information Flow
The Subversive Plan To Ditch The Electoral College
A plot is afoot to change our constitutional form of government by ditching the Electoral College. John Anderson, Birch Bayh and John Buchanan, three losers who were defeated in the 1980 Reagan landslide, are scheming to change our Constitution … [Read more...] about The Subversive Plan To Ditch The Electoral College
Time To Put Limits On Term Limits For Congress
It's time to realize that the term limits movement itself has limits. It works well for the president, governors, state legislators, and even congressional chairmanships, where the trappings of power become irresistible. But it makes no sense for … [Read more...] about Time To Put Limits On Term Limits For Congress
First Order of Business: Visa Reform
As Congress returns to Washington this January, no business is more important than making our borders secure from potential terrorists. So much needs to be done, but a good start would be speedy passage of the Visa Entry Reform Act (H.R. 3229) … [Read more...] about First Order of Business: Visa Reform
Fast Track Is Unconstitutional
Where are all those strict-constructionist Republicans who've been complaining about activist judges who don't respect the fact that the U.S. Constitution gives “all legislative powers” to the Congress? Don't those Republicans … [Read more...] about Fast Track Is Unconstitutional
Triad Response to Terrorism
As President Bush has warned us, this is a new kind of war. He is doing a good job of the military and diplomatic legs of the U.S. response to terrorism, but it's up to citizens to insist that the response on the homeland front be effective and … [Read more...] about Triad Response to Terrorism
A Conservative Agenda For 2001
Since Bill Clinton stuck his finger in the eye of all who care about American sovereignty and constitutional rights by signing the International Criminal Court Treaty (ICC) on New Year's Eve, Congress should immediately pass Senator Jesse … [Read more...] about A Conservative Agenda For 2001
A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress — January 2001
A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress Since Bill Clinton stuck his finger in the eye of all who care about American sovereignty and constitutional rights by signing the International Criminal Court (ICC) Treaty on New Year's … [Read more...] about A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress — January 2001
Tell Big Brother To Get Out Of Our Washing Machines
Few changes in our society have done as much to liberate women from the drudgery of “women's work” as the washing machine. American ingenuity and the private enterprise system combined to provide us with a wide variety of models of … [Read more...] about Tell Big Brother To Get Out Of Our Washing Machines
Congress Missed the Biggie in Campaign Finance Reform
While Americans are watching fireworks to celebrate Independence Day, the 10,000+ representatives of the country's most powerful political pressure group, the National Education Association (NEA), are meeting in the Windy City to approve their usual … [Read more...] about Congress Missed the Biggie in Campaign Finance Reform