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One of Phyllis’s crowning achievements was to expose the truth about ERA. Most protections its proponents claim would benefit women are already codified in U.S. law, such as Equal Pay for Equal Work and the Equal Credit Act. In fact, laws which discriminate do so to protect women — such as exempting them from serving equally in military combat or allowing schools, prisons, and domestic violence shelters to exclude men on the basis of sex. But while much uncertainty swirls, one fact is not up for debate — the connection between ERA and abortion, redefinition of gender, and eradication of the natural family unit.
ERA supporters are playing fast and loose with the facts about the content and process of the Equal Rights Amendment! Don’t be fooled. Learn from history and study the facts of the battle over ERA.
Women’s Rights Already CodifiedStatement by Andy Schlafly, Click here to read
The ERA / Abortion ConnectionStatement by Father Frank Pavone, Click here to read
National Right to Life CommitteeFebruary 6, 2019 Letter to the Senate |
Playlist: — Phyllis Schlafly on the ERA: |
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Reading & Research from Phyllis
What’s Wrong with ‘Equal Rights’ for Women?
Phyllis Schlafly Report, February 1972 |
The Fraud Called The Equal Rights Amendment
Phyllis Schlafly Report, May 1972 |
What The Equal Rights Amendment Means
Excerpt, Phyllis Schlafly Report, January 1973 |
Dear Legislator: The Buck Stops with You
Phyllis Schlafly Report, February 1973 |
Section 2 of the Equal Rights Amendment
Phyllis Schlafly Report, May 1973 |
ERA Won’t Help Women in Education
Phyllis Schlafly Report, September 1973 |
How ERA Will Hurt Divorced Women
Phyllis Schlafly Report, May 1974 |
How ERA Will Affect Social Security
Phyllis Schlafly Report, October 1974 |
How ERA Will Affect Churches and Private Schools
Phyllis Schlafly Report, March 1975 |
How E.R.A. Will Affect Athletes
Phyllis Schlafly Report, April 1975 |
The Hypocrisy of ERA Proponents
Phyllis Schlafly Report, July 1975 |
ERA and Women’s Colleges
Phyllis Schlafly Report, February 1976 |
The Legislative History of ERA
Phyllis Schlafly Report, November 1975 |
What Really Happened in Houston
Phyllis Schlafly Report, December 1977 |
How ERA Will Raise Insurance Rates
Phyllis Schlafly Report, February 1979 |
Do Women Get Equal Pay for Equal Work?
Phyllis Schlafly Report, May 1981 |
A Short History of E.R.A.
Phyllis Schlafly Report, September 1986 |