Maj. General Jack Singlaub Turns 100
For Immediate Release: July 9, 2021
Contact: Ed Martin, President
North Port, FL: This weekend Maj. General John K. “Jack” Singlaub (USA, Ret.) will celebrate his 100th birthday. His storied career spans multiple continents, three major wars, multiple clandestine operations, and over 40 years of public leadership fighting for American sovereignty and military superiority. In April of this year, Gen. Singlaub passed the leadership of America’s Future, Inc. to Lt. General Michael T. Flynn.
“He is not just an example of leaders, but of a life well-lived,” General Flynn remarked. “His bravery both on the battlefield and in public life has undoubtedly preserved freedom for future generations. We promise to faithfully carry on the work that he has entrusted to us. Happy birthday, General Singlaub!”