President Trump took to Twitter to fire back against the globalist Koch Brothers’ rants against him. The Kochs “have become a total joke in real Republican circles,” Trump tweeted. “I don’t need their money or bad ideas,” he added, or their political baggage.

True conservatives know that the the billionaire brothers and their donor network are far from conservative policies. They are big government, crony capitalists who seek open borders and globalist connections.
The Koch network’s criticism of President Trump is widely publicized by the liberal media. They love to push the false perception that the Koch mega-donors are conservative. True conservatives know that the the billionaire brothers and their donor network are far from conservative policies. They are big government, crony capitalists who seek open borders and globalist connections.
Republican politicians who have fallen for the Koch agenda of weak borders and phony free trade have often lost as a result. Trickles of money given by the Koch network are insufficient to offset the immense radioactive political effect.
Yet still, Koch allies slipped three open-border provisions into the Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations Bill for the Department of Homeland Security this summer. Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-KS) inserted these pro-immigration amendments. They were – of course – approved by a voice vote so members could avoid political accountability. The House Appropriations Committee recommended the entire bill by a 29-22 vote on July 25.
The three pro-immigration provisions include blocking Attorney General Jeff Sessions from tightening the requirements for illegal aliens who seek asylum. The last-minute changes also seek to expand the limit of visas for foreign workers and lift the per-country cap, which would open the floodgates to thousands of guest workers from India.
Current candidates should pause before pandering to the Koch network for donations. We’ve seen time and again that embracing the Koch agenda will bring out the Democratic base against them while doing nothing to energize conservative voters needed to win.
In fact, Trump disavowed support from the Kochs during his own campaign for president and spectacular success for Trump’s campaign followed. Trump was free of all the negative baggage among many voters associate with the Koch brothers’ network. Conservative candidates in the midterms should remember that Swamp connections and money just don’t pay off.