Candidate Donald Trump’s Contract With The American Voter promised that he would not only deport criminal illegal aliens, but that he would “cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back.” It only makes sense. If a dangerous criminal passes illegally from another nation into the United States, it’s not the job of the American taxpayer to take on the expense of their care. Their country of origin should take them back and imprison them on their own dime. However, some nations routinely refused to take their criminals back. They knew America’s weak politicians would never make them do the right thing. Candidate Trump promised this would come to an end.
Sure enough, the Trump administration issued visa sanctions against Sierra Leone, Eritrea, Cambodia, and Guinea when they refused to take back their criminals. Not only did this bold move put pressure on those nations, but it also serves as a strong warning to the rest of the world that America will not act as an international babysitter for the world’s criminals. Every nation must be responsible for their own citizens, just as the United States is for hers.
It’s not enough for us to take criminal aliens off of the streets. If they are wanted from crimes in their home nation, they have no ties to our justice system. We have a hard enough time getting our own criminals through the courts. We do not need to burden ourselves with the criminals of others. The last thing we would want to do is release them back on the streets to wreak havoc on innocent Americans. Clearly, the only course of action was to pressure nations to take back their own criminals.
The rest of the world had taken advantage of America’s goodwill for decades before President Trump came on the scene. Other presidents were either too intimidated to take a stand, or else they simply did not care about the problem. It took a man of bold conviction and an iron will to stand up against these international bullies. Once again, Trump proved he would follow through on his promises to the American people.