What You Need to Know is Kendi gets paid! Fairfax, Va. School District Spent $24,000 On Ibram Kendi Books For U.S. History Classes. And the left’s friends (the public schools) are also getting paid — Look Up How Much COVID Relief Aid Your School District Is Getting. What the left is doing and the swamp is doing is taking tax dollars from We the People and transferring them to favored groups. The left is using our money to push their agenda!
Jeffrey S. Stephens, lawyer, & author, talks about the award that his book Fool’s Errand won! Jeffrey explains how his book talks about the tender relationship between a father and son. Consider getting a copy of Fool’s Errand for yourself at JeffreyStephens.com.
Joe Johnston, author, professor and lawyer, talks about what’s going on between Ukraine and Russia. Joe explains how China and Russia have dramatically accelerated their naval shipbuilding and modernization programs while the U.S. has struggled to grow its capacity of naval warfare. Be sure to get a copy of his important book — The Decline of Nations: Lessons for Strengthening America at Home and in the World.
Wrap up: Can you believe this? TSA confirms it lets illegal immigrants use arrest warrants as ID in airports. We are thankful for people like Todd Bensman, Center for Immigration Studies, and others who report on what is really going on at the border and with our immigration system!