In What You Need to Know, China Is Paying for Most of Trump’s Trade War, Research Says;
Morton Blackwell on the midterms;
Dr. Brett Decker on Brexit;
Janet Porter of gives an update on the Ohio heartbeat bill;
In Swamp News, Gov. Jerry Brown proposes easing logging rules to thin forests.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Christmas tree delivery, Adam Schiff, Tijuana mayor, catch and release, Rick Scott, business optimism, and ocean area fence;
Trump’s sanctions are crushing Iran’s job market and potentially destabilizing the regime;
St. Louis kids recite Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address;
Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: No #MeToo for California’s Gender Quotas;
In Your Turn, to get a vote on the Ohio heartbeat bill, contact Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof at 614-466-7505; A brexit party.