The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Hey, we’ve got a treat for you today. I had to record an interview ahead of time just about an hour ago with Vince Everett Ellison, the author and commentator and just an extraordinary man. And the interview was phenomenal. I I planned on doing one segment. I ended up doing 2, so 20 minutes of interview with him. His new book is called Crime Inc Crime Inc from Bombardier Press, which is a an imprint of our friends over at PostHill and Anthony Ziccardi a great group. So you need to check it out. First of all you need to check out that book. I have a copy of it. I’ve read. I told him I read most of it. I you know me. I read, bounce around Books. But it’s extraordinary, and especially his stories of his upbringing and his father, and what he came from, how he came out of his poverty, his father, how he worked his family out of poverty, and then the Voice of Vince Ellison, when he talks about what the current Democrat party is about, again, as an African American businessman, a religious believer, an author, it’s just, it’s phenomenal. It is phenomenal to hear his voice. You’re gonna want to check it out. You’re gonna want to pay attention to this guy, and you’re gonna listen to this interview. So that’s coming up in a few moments.
But before we get to That I want to warn you as a follow up and today’s WYNK. That we’re in a really treacherous. We’re in treacherous territory because we’re about to see what amounts to a siege. It’s been described as that, a siege in of the Hamas, and especially what’s happened in the areas surrounding Hamas, you know the, the, the, the, the what Hamas did is not limited unfortunately to, you know, you can’t find those folks. You have to look at all around them. And so Gaza includes well, it’s Hamas control, so Gaza. But we’re gonna see a siege of Hamas. Excuse me, of Gaza, that is going to be like nothing we’ve ever seen. And and I mean that because we’re going to see it. We’re going to see it. It is going to be a, a, something that is beyond our comprehending in the sense that war is hell. War is hell. This is a war.
And so when you when you you, when you try to describe war to people. And I have had my brother. The Marine I’ve talked about him a lot. My brother Jim, he he was in Afghanistan and Iraq and you know you you you can describe war and you can make movies about it and you can do kinds of things like that. But you can’t really do it justice.
And seige is a tactic that was used in a different era, right, in a different period of history than we’re in now, very commonly, you’ve heard the description, sees of, seige of Jerusalem. I mean, there was, there was a seige of Jerusalem that happened and then down through history, there have been famous sieges that have been described because. That was the way that you handled major problems. You if you if you had a problem with the city and the city went retreated back up into the walls of the city, you would create around them the siege and you would. The siege would basically you’d wait them out and there were famous sieges of of every major city. You know Constantine, Constance, Constantinople. I mean, any time that the army Could get back To their place, there was Ravenna. That’s one I was thinking of Ravenna in Italy. They they would get back to their home home city and they would lock themselves in and they would have lots of store, you know, storage. They would have water and they would have food. But the seige would just have to go on and you’d wait them out. And you’d wait him out and you’d wait him out.
And there have been famous famous sieges that are brutal, but we never had video. We never had, you know, the ability to have people see what happened even. Of course, the the seige of Vicksburg in America is a famous seige that people will will know the history of. Because at that time, but how long did it go on? I’m gonna trying to look it up right while we’re talking. I I I think the siege of Vicksburg might have gone on it. It was a brutal it led to a brutal battle. But the siege beforehand went on for 47 days. 47 days. The The That’s you know may sound like a long time to you, but there are seiges that went on for years and and then there would be negotiations. Can you let in food, can you let in some more provisions can you, but at a certain point the hard line of seiges and it became effective is we could just shut it off.
What we’ve seen in Gaza. Is that the electricity’s off the waters off and the seige is on. And again my point here my warning is that we’re going to see it on TV and we’re going to see it on video and. It’s going to be. Horrific. Just like what we saw from the terrorist act, the attacks by Hamas on Israelis, the death just horrendous. So I’m not, I’m not. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have to see it. I’m saying war is hell. War is hell and it’s ugly.
But now the trick is we’re also going to be misled. So we’re going to have to watch war and we’re going to have to. Then try to cut through what will almost certainly be the deception and the deceptive use of video. Because if you watch the world over, you see people that are sympathetic to the Palestinian side, to the Hamas side. You see them saying that this out loud, what you’re surprised to hear them say out loud. There’s a there’s a, there’s a great, amazing video. Not great. It’s a terrible video, but of a of David Horowitz giving a speech a few years ago at the University of San Diego. I think and or University of California at San Diego and a Palestinian Hamas supporter gets up and says and he says, well, will you denounce Hamas? And she says no, I can’t. Because if I do, I’ll get arrested by Homeland Security, which is insane. But then he says. When Hamas says. That they they Hope that everyone gathers, all the Jews gather in in Jerusalem so they don’t have to hunt them down all over the world, do you Agree with that and she said. Yes, with a straight face so and and there have been people at Harvard, Students are supposed to be the enlightened students of the world. They’re saying how they stand with the Palestinians after these acts. There have been people in in Michigan, in communities, pockets of of people who have said they say so. There’re gonna be people who. Want to aid In the showing of the massive suffering of the siege Of Gaza.
The siege of Gaza will be ugly. Like every siege was, but it will be effective like every siege is. If, if the army that is sieging, seizing, see, putting the siege on is able to hold. lf you give in. You know what would happen? What would happen in sieges and very, other times would people would get sick and they would actually throw the bodies of the people that were dying in the in the city, out of the out of the town over the wall because they didn’t want decomposing bodies in there. And they would do that. They did that on and on and on. So it it only comes down to. Whether the Israelis will hold the the siege as long as they need to to break Hamas and break the the the people that did this to them and I wouldn’t bet against them.
I I I would not bet against the the Israelis knowing that it’s an existential crisis and that they have to do this, but it will be very ugly. It will be very, very unpleasant. lt will be. And again, we will be misled by people who want to try to make it seem like and make us see how ugly it is. This is not a good thing. I’m I’m not. I’m just warning you. What you need to know is we’re going to see evil. Depicted by people who want us to feel that way. And we’re going to have to be careful. What we do. And the and the reality is. We cannot tell What the um What the future will hold, how it will look and feel. And what I’m saying is we are being we have, we have a history now of distrust, but verify, of the intelligence community misleading us. And the reality is I don’t know how. We can go forward. I don’t know how we can go forward and trust and verify in this context. And frankly I I think we’re going to see our own intelligence community take a side, right, we’ve never had we we’ve, we’ve had to rely on our intelligence community to shoot, try to shoot with us straight and we can’t trust them right now. So it’s a terribly unstable time. It’s a terribly unstable time and I’m I I think we’re going to see and feel things that we, I mean. I didn’t watch much of the video. I can’t really stand it when they show video of people who are being slaughtered and and you know or have been slaughtered. I can’t. I just can’t. I know myself well enough that I can’t do it. I watch a little bit to see how bad it is. I I I heard descriptions of it and. But I don’t know how To, I don’t even know how to process it and so I leave it, but I I I put it in my head, we’re gonna see some really unpleasant stuff.
And what you need to know is we have to find our ways through it. We have to find sources that will tell us the truth. We have to cut through the things that we can see are lies. And we have to also understand that war is hell. That’s not a justification for any act. At all. You still have to, you know, evaluate what’s happening. But it is understanding it. It is war. It’s fair enough for Israel to say it’s a war. It is. They were attacked. Now you have to go forward. And I don’t know how a modern. I don’t know how modernity will handle a siege. I don’t know what the process will be for understanding it and how it will impact us. But we’re gonna face it. We’re gonna face it and face it straight ahead. So that’s what you need to know today. Hang on. For this great interview with Vince Everett Ellison. Extraordinary. And we’ll be right back. lt’s Ed Martin here on This Pro America Report.