What You Need to Know is who makes America great? Major General Jack Singlaub did! He passed away over the weekend at the age of 100. He was a driven young man who set his educational course toward the military despite not getting into West Point. From there his decades of experience took off, from training as a Jedburgh to joining the OSS, helping found the CIA, directing clandestine warfare against the Communists, to fighting Communism still after his service was ended. If America is great, it’s because America turns out great men like Jack Singlaub.
Dr. Ted Malloch, author, historian, businessman, and professor, talks about his article The German Question. Dr. Malloch explains that Germany does not pay its bills but gets all of the benefits of being a member of NATO. Of all the members, only 5 actually pay their membership. Germany should pay their part because its economy is so strong. To see more articles and books by Dr. Malloch, check out TedMalloch.com.
Terry Beatley, author, founder and president of Hosea Initiative, and God, Guns & Life PAC, She’s the purpose behind her book — What If We’ve Been Wrong? Terry talks about the life of Dr. Bernard Nathanson and how she is continuing his work. Be sure to get a copy of Terry’s book here and check out Hosea4You.org.
What You Need to Do is get Maj. General Jack Singlaub’s book Hazardous Duty: An American Soldier in the Twentieth Century. It’s certainly an undertaking, but it’s an incredible story to read of Singlaub’s service during some of the most important 20th Century years in our history.