Now that President Trump has officially declared a state of emergency on our southern border, a lot of Americans are asking whether action like that can be truly justifiable. No matter how you look at it, the answer is a resounding yes. All you have to do is listen to the president’s own words. He said, “We have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people, and it’s unacceptable. It’s very simple. We want to stop drugs from coming into our country. We want to stop criminals and gangs from coming into our country.” Trump campaigned for president on securing the southern border of the United States, and he plans to do precisely that for the American people.

This is not some empty political anecdote either. These bad hombres really are pouring over our border every day.
This is not some empty political anecdote either. These bad hombres really are pouring over our border every day. Consider just one day’s traffic at a single section of the border that lacks a physical barrier. Among those caught crossing into Texas on one day were a Mexican previously convicted in Georgia for child molestation, a Honduran previously convicted in North Carolina for child molestation by a custodian, and another Honduran who was previously identified in Florida as a member of MS-13.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement reports that 266,000 aliens with criminal records have been arrested in the past two years. This agency also arrested 1,500 aliens for human trafficking and deported 10,000 gang members in the last fiscal year. Despite this hard data proving that ICE helps keep us safe, many politically-motivated Democrats say they want to abolish this protective agency.
On top of the criminal aspect, many illegal arrivals are very sick with contagious diseases. Their health problems commonly overwhelm the facilities available in small towns near the border. The Border Patrol reports that on a single day, over two thousand migrants had to be driven three hours to the nearest hospital for treatment.
Clearly, there is an emergency on our southern border. President Trump is right to do everything he can to protect American citizens from criminals and carriers of disease. Only a big wall can do the job, and President Trump is just the man to make it happen.