What You Need to Know is Distrust and Verify. It’s a two step process! We can’t just distrust everything we’re told and give up! Make no mistake… we should distrust everything. But the necessary second step is to then go and seek out the truth. Go and verify what’s right. Follow the Truth and don’t just buy the line of those who claim to have authority. It’s a two step process.
Dr. Gary Wolfram, Hillsdale econ professor and author, talks about not only his experience throughout the years at Hillsdale but also his book A Capitalist Manifesto: Understanding the Market Economy and Defending Liberty. Find more of his work and writing here.
Todd Bensman, Sr. National Security Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, discusses how the recent Border Sex Trafficking Cases Should Challenge Sound of Freedom skeptics. There’s a concerted campaign to destroy the credibility of this powerful film, but it absolutely lines up with what’s happening. Find more of Todd’s work at ToddBensman.com. Also pick up copies of his books America’s Covert Border War and Overrun.
Wrap Up: more on the “tour from Politico”! From the absolutely wild opinion pages: Here’s the Intelligence Assessment of Donald Trump that the Government Can’t Write. Let’s dig through this word salad.