The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Hey, thank you. Thank you. Thank you to Ryan Hite and Mason Mohan. They do a lot of filling in for me, these have been busy, busy months. I I have to tell you, I was on a a special mission right before Super Tuesday. I had some research I was doing and some ideas that I had and I was traveling a little bit, mostly up to Pennsylvania, but that wasn’t even a Super Tuesday. But that’s where things were going on. And so there’s a lot going on. And then I I I loathe to share too much but my father, had a little bit of a procedure. He’s doing fine now, but he had to go in. Anyway in the last month or two. Ryan Hite, our communications director at the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. I also call him the producer of this program, has been filling in awesome. He does an awesome job. He’s got a great, great voice. He’s very, very smart and he knows politics. He’s in the mold of Phyllis Schlafly, meaning he knows how politics works and as a conservative. Then you got to put those two together. We don’t need. We don’t only need, we need conservatives. That’s great. You need people to know politics, that’s great. But if you know politics and you’re not conservative, that’s no good. And if you know conservatism and you’re conservative, you don’t know politics works. It doesn’t work either. So thank you, Ryan Hite and Mason Mohan’s our newest employee at the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. Super guy, does a lot of writing, does a lot of work. Just thanks to those guys for filling in. I want to make sure to hit that and say that to you all so.
We’ve got the state of the Union and probably by the time you’re hearing this I’m pre recording it because there’s so much action down at the Capitol. I’ve gotta go to a couple of different meetings, a couple of them are social. I guess I got two social meetings, one meeting about policy, so I’m recording it a little early, but let me tell you.
The state of the Union is great. We like what? Wait, wait a second. Is Ed Martin saying that? It it is true here on the Pro America Report. Let me say it. The state of the Union is great. And you know why it’s great? ’cause of the people, the people in this country are special. They’re they are good, good people that want good things.
And so the state of the government. Has never been worse. It’s actually a disaster. The state of the Union, don’t believe the hype of the social media, big media. They’re liars. They want to tear us apart. There’s there’s, I don’t know, 5% of the country that are really, really sick. They wanna do transgender stuff. They wanna gut our institutions. They wanna pit black versus white. Man versus woman, those let’s say 5%. They’re just lunatics. They they should be pitied. You should be pitying them and and when I say the lunatics, it’s not really their fault. A lot of them are brainwashed and by the way, it might be more than 5%, but there’s a bunch of them.
But it’s not everyone. Most of us are good people that want good things that aren’t that hard to each other that aren’t mean to each other.
The state of the Union is great. The state of the government has never, ever been worse.
It’s a crisis. All of the things that the government were, the government was supposed to do. Excuse me. All the things that the government IS supposed to do, they’re shirking their duty. They’re not keeping us safe. They’re not administering justice. They’re not kind of letting the States and and and and local sovereignty flourish. They’re not doing the things.
Look, I’ve been trying this. I know I talked to you about this a bunch, and I’m kind of torqued up. I’m really upset. Earlier on Thursday, one of the January 6th, another January 6th prisoner was busting into their home, taken prisoner. I won’t talk about the specifics yet. May come out. It’s nasty. Nasty. We are in a situation where we’re being bullied so you can get it. Don’t have to think of it in ideological, theological, geopolitical. None of those terms. Just hear me. We’re being bullied by our government. We’re being bullied by our government.
And here’s the way I tell you. I got a little parable, ready for my parable?
There once was a one room schoolhouse and there was one teacher and the teacher started school every day by bringing the 12 children in and the 12 children were told I’m the teacher. When you’re in class, you do what I say. We’re gonna learn how to read and write. We’re gonna be smart when we’re done with this, we’ll all work together. And then every day during recess, you’re gonna go outside. And during lunch, you’re gonna go outside. You get your lunch, you go play around. And I’m not going out there. I got too much to do. But out in the in those places you have to be good to each other, and it turns out there were bullies. And one of the bullies was a big guy, big guy, right? Or he’s a physical bully. And one of the bullies was a sneaky sneaky talker, you know, someone who played games with the the truth and spun things around. Both of them were bullies. And so what happened, the teacher had to get the bullies under control. He said you can’t do that. You’re not allowed to do that. And so as long as the teacher was there, it was wonderful. One day the teacher retired. He taught there for years and years and years, and the next teacher came in. And the teacher said, we’re gonna learn. We’re gonna learn. And the teacher then turns out that the teacher was related to the two bullies and instead of having the bullies under control, the bullies went wild. And whenever someone said this isn’t going right, the teacher would say you’re the one wrong and pretty soon the environment that had gone on so wonderfully where people certainly had, you know that there were bullies under the original teacher, but they weren’t allowed to do this because they they kept it in check. They kept it in check not just by the rules, but by the whole setup, the the working together, the system. Now. We’re like that second teacher.
Joe Biden is. He’s decided only his relatives, only his friends. They’ll be the ones and they’ll and not only will they be favored, that used to be common. We used to tolerate some favoritism, as you know, as something that happened. Not perfect, but happened. Now we are seeing. That the relatives and the and the and the connected to someone like Joe Biden, they’re not just favored, they’re bullies. They’re bullies in the Department of Justice. They’re bullies in the in the justice system in general. They’re bullies in the economy. They’re bullies in our universities. They’re bullies in our lives. They’re bullies on the bus, in the subway, on the street. They’re bullies. In the media, in social media. Horrendous. And they’re using all of the strength of government against us.
But don’t be distracted. Don’t be distracted. I’m not saying that just changing out the teacher is gonna solve everything. That’s not true. We got a lot more work to do. But I am saying that everybody’s good, everybody’s good. Everybody should be looked at in the image and likeness of God, and we should figure out, hold them accountable. We got a lot of well, we got a lot of accountability to hold, but only because if you don’t hold them accountable, see the school teacher, the original school teacher. The Good school teacher. If you hold them accountable, people work together better. They stay together better. They do better, they read, they write. They learn.
So the state of the Union is extraordinary and I would extend that even especially too. You’re going to be surprised at this. The immigrants of the last 15 to 20 years. Have seen I think that they want to be a part of America. I used to be frustrated that we allowed so many people in and didn’t control it. This is before Biden. Even under Trump, there were too many people coming and we weren’t controlling it. And there was ways people get it. But ultimately I have to say I’ve gone to churches now I’ve gone to meetings more and more of the people, especially Hispanic, are, they wanna be American. They they don’t. They’re looking at this bully, bully Biden. He could take the bully pulpit at the state of the Union. He tried to use a bully pulpit. He’s barely coherent. It’s terrible. It’s a tragedy. His wife is a bully. His family are bullies. They, the bullies, and you don’t let somebody go through this. This is a sadness. You should be sad about it. And then we realize that not only is it bad for him, it’s bad for us because of what’s happening, but. Be as it may.
These immigrants, a lot of them are really trying to become American. The ones that aren’t are the 10 million since the last three years because we don’t know who they are. We have no idea. We know we do know that Chinese nationals, Pakistani nationals, African nationals, men coming, we don’t, we have, we know that their backgrounds are from from nations that are hostile to America. We got a lot of problems.
But the state of the Union, the Union of people, because remember, we didn’t. We don’t get our sovereignty from the king. We don’t get it from Biden giving it to us. We don’t get it from our governor. We don’t get it from our mayor. We the people get our sovereignty. From God. And when we recognize that, then we share it with each other, in the Union. In the Union. Of these United States, it’s the United States. It’s not America. It’s the United States of America, very distinctly, our sovereignty is shared by each of us through our states, by the way, very distinct, very specific approach. And then the government, the federal government has one slice, some parts of that, not the whole thing, and they don’t own it. They don’t control it.
And so when I say the state of the Union, our Union. Our Unitedness is awesome. It’s awesome. It’s it’s got all the markings of the greatness it had before. We got a lot of work to do and the first thing that we have to do over and over and over again is point out these bullies that are putting American citizens in jail, that are using, you know, the IRS admit they’re using AI to target people, to make them, to hold them accountable for tax violations. Let me tell you a secret they they’ve created a tax code that can make sure that every American is a criminal because they’ve set that code up and they move it. Change it up. And down and you. You know you can’t, barely keep up with it. You gotta fight to find tax accountants who will help you with it. So if they want to they can get you and they show they will. And if they want to, they can steer media, big tech and big media in such a way to harm you and me and everybody else that they don’t like. All in the name of what? Their vision, their union, the bullies union, the Union of Bullies.
They want to control us and they can’t. They won’t. We won’t let them.
So whatever you hear, even the reactions to it, just know the state of the Union in this great country, this great nation, our state of the Union is awesome. It’s great. Be excited, be be fired up, be, you know, in in great spirits cause we’ve got so much coming.
And remember the state of the Government, Joe Biden. It’s a disaster, distrust and verify everything. They’re lying, is how you should start and then see if you can verify it. And go from there.
Alright, we gotta take a break again. We’ll be right back. Ed Martin, go to Right there. You see my writings and also visit Sign up for the daily WYNK. Be right back. Be right back. Ed Martin Pro America Report back in a moment.