What You Need to Know is Fake history is a real problem! Fake history is as bad as fake news, and maybe even more common. Check out this article by Politico — Trump Didn’t Kill Reaganism. These Guys Did. 1. If you think that history is honest, then I have fake news to show you. 2. If you think with clear eyes that history is not honest, it brings into question a lot of what we are taught. Fake history is eye-opening, concerning, and a big problem!
Selwyn Duke, writer and frequent radio show guest, shares one of his recent articles — Traditionalist Catholics: The Newest Counterculture Rebels? Selwyn talks about how we are seeing an emerging and growing fringe of people who consider themselves to be religious and are pushing back against the liberal agenda. Check out his website — SelwynDuke.com.
Dr. Ted Malloch, author, lecturer, businessman, and contributor to American Greatness, shares his recent article — What Is to Be Done? Dr. Malloch explains that anything the mainstream media says then you should run in the opposite direction because they are constantly lying to us. Check out his website — Dr.TedMalloch.com.
What You Need to Do is check out Lee Smith’s program, “Over the Target”. I was on today’s program to talk about — The Political Prosecution of Jan. 6 Defendants Cuts a Trail of Tears Across America.