Welcome! Welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Hope you had a great weekend. Great to be together.
We’ve got a great interview coming up in a few moments with Dr. Randy Grellner. I met Dr. Grellner last week when he came up to the Swamp. He’s from Oklahoma. He’s a doctor, takes care of patients. And he’s running in the special election for the U.S. Senate against a whole bunch of people, there’s like eight or nine people in the race because Senator, U.S. Senator Inhofe is retiring, resigning in the middle of the term. I think some health issues with his wife and others. So really interesting interview coming up. We’ll talk to him.
And also Dan Gainor from the Media Research Center. Really fascinating guy. Good funny guy, too. He’s got a sense of humor. He wrote a piece last week about nine questions for Elon Musk about the Twitter sale. Pretty funny. Got a huge reaction. Great communicator. We’ll talk with Dan Gainor.
But first, what do you need to know? Well, I want to set you up for something. I want to set the table for us to see what’s being served to us. And that is on the election integrity issue.
All over Twitter, for most of the day, there has been coverage of more identification by the powers that be that there were no election breaches. No election breaches, they say. Now, a major report done by Reuters, if you go to Reuters.com, a report on how there’s no evidence of election tampering in 2020. The AP was covering no incidences of breaches, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Why is this?
Well, did you know that on February, February, I think 14th, it might have been exactly on Valentine’s Day around there that in Georgia, there was a report that was generated by a forensic investigator. And the report has been kept secret by the judge down there, federal judge at the request of the federal government.
And we don’t know why.
It has to do with an analysis of the code, the source code of one of the electronic systems. Because what I’ve told people for a long time is even if you say that there have been no instances of a breach in the election system that have been proven in court, it doesn’t mean that they happened. And more importantly, what we haven’t seen is transparency.
Why is it that we were all told, just move along, move along, move along. Why is no one, both parties, addressing this question of a lack of transparency in our elections?
And what you need to know is they are addressing it. It’s just that big tech, big media and big government isn’t allowing you to see it.
So think about this. The federal government requested this CISA – CISA Department that does Internet security of the federal government requested that this report about one of the election systems. I don’t know if it’s Dominion or which one, about how their Internet source code, how the inner workings work. So big government says, don’t let it out into the public and big media and big tech go along with it.
Don’t you think – Wouldn’t it be interesting if the media wanted to see the things that are at the heart of the election?
No, that’s not allowed.
So what you need to know is we’re being told everything is fine, you’re not allowed to look any closer. And most of the people in power are going along with that. When was the last time you heard a major elected official, happening a little bit in Georgia, happening a little bit in Arizona. But any place where an elected official stands up and says, I want to do something about it, they’re punished, usually by their own party. In Pennsylvania now, the state Senator, Doug Mastriano, is running for governor.
He tried to say, let’s do an audit, let’s slow things down. He got punished by his own party. And my point here is, why are we all being told to be quiet by all the people in power?
And the reason is if you’re in power, you don’t think the system was rigged. You can’t think the system was rigged. If you won your election, you can’t think the system was rigged. It’s counter-intuitive. The only guy I’ve ever met who actually believes that the systems are not transparent enough, who is in office is Pete Sessions.
Congressman Pete Sessions of Texas, because in ’18, he lost his race where things were really squirrely and not transparent. And then he sat out for a term and ended up winning again back in 2020. He actually has said there’s something going on. It’s not transparent enough. I can’t tell for sure if there was fraud, but I know it’s not transparent.
So we’re being told that you’re not allowed to ask for more transparency. We’re watching as most of the people in power who think they won their election because they’re really smart and really talented, they’re not looking for transparency. And yet in places where it comes up, the people who are bringing it up, it’s wildly popular amongst voters. Why is that, or citizens?
Well, for one thing, if you’re a Bernie Sanders supporter, you think the game was rigged against you. A couple of times. If you were a Hillary Clinton supporter in 2016, you were told by Hillary and the left for months and months, for years that the thing was a problem, that there was a problem with the election system. It wasn’t transparent. It was never gotten to the bottom. And if you’re a Trump supporter or if you’re a Republican, you say something went on in 2020.
Now, my point here and what you need to know is the failure to have wholesale demands of transparency in the election, whether it’s the reports out of Georgia that have been held in secret by the federal judge that might tell us something. We don’t know. Whether it’s the lack of getting to the bottom of some of the things that just seem odd.
It feels like it’s a set up for 2022.
If you were going to design a system that was going to make it so that you could get away with at least – forget about if there’s cheating, just say if you don’t want to make the system transparent so no one will trust it, but you want to get away with that. The way to do it is make it so anybody who says there’s a problem with no transparency is going to be called a bigot, is going to be called a secessionist, an insurrectionist, is going to be targeted.
And you watch the way the overlap of the people who will be attacked by the January 6 select committee of the US House, the political hatchet job committee of the US House, which will start having hearings in June. They’re going to have a series of hearings. The overlap of the people attacked and called names by the January 6 committee with the group of people that are saying, hey, this wasn’t a very good election. It wasn’t transparent enough. What can we do? The overlap will be huge because the goal of all of this is to stop reform and transparency.
And also, as we’ve talked so many times, it’s also designed to make it so we the people just decide it’s not worth the trouble. We don’t want to be targeted by people who are going to ask lots of questions and make us uncomfortable. We would prefer to stand back.
But I’ll tell you, if I was running for office, if I was on the ballot in 2022, I would be running on this simple proposition. We should have transparent elections. And if we don’t have transparent elections, we cannot expect the voters, either party, both parties, wings of the parties, left and right wings, none of those people. We can’t expect them to be confident in a system that’s so lacking in transparency. And when I watch Reuters and Politico and others liningup now to say, no, no, no, no, you can’t ask questions. People that are asking questions about the elections, that’s not allowed. You must be fringe characters. You must be out of the, out of the loop. Really worrying. That’s really worrying. hat’s what they’re doing. That’s what they’re doing.
Again, what you need to know is, and by the way, the candidates who are talking about making the election system transparent are getting lots of voters. They’re getting lots of attention. I should say it that way. Lots of energy, because people are looking up going, yeah, I feel that. I feel like the system doesn’t seem to be transparent. I don’t feel like anybody got to the bottom of what’s actually gone on.
Do we know, for example, why turnout was so dramatically high in certain Democrat areas but not in other Democrat areas, shouldn’t that be a study? In other words, if you were in, let’s say, one of the collar counties of New York City, that’s a county that generally goes Democrat, and this last time it went Democrat in the standard sort of numbers. But if you were in Montgomery County or if you’re in Maricopa County, some other counties that seem to be targeted for turnout, it was dramatically higher. Why haven’t we gotten to the bottom of that?
Just be transparent if there is a way that it happened – Well, because of turnout mechanisms that ought to be described, we shouldn’t be told you’re not allowed to ask about transparency because what you need to know is a non-transparent election in 2022.
Besides the fact that it may lead to stolen votes, it will lead to a disaster in 2024, when we have to have a national election that the people believe in.
All right, we got to take a break. We’ll be right back. We’ll talk with Dr. Randy Grellner and Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center. Back in the moment, Ed Martin here in the Pro America Report.