Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on The Pro America Report. Great to be together. I’m actually in Pennsylvania right now. I came up to Pennsylvania from the Swamp, and I will give you a report on the election in Pennsylvania. And I’ll give you what you need to know about that election. We’ll talk in a few moments with John Schlafly. We’ll get an update from John Schlafly and some big news. I will finally get to interview Dinesh D’Souza. I think it will be Thursday or Friday this week. Stay tuned on that. It’s been delayed a couple of times. He’s kind of a busy guy with his movie 2000 Mules, which has gotten a lot of attention now.
But let’s talk about the election on Tuesday and what you saw now. There’s a lot to talk about. Right. Excuse me, Congressman Ted Budd in North Carolina benefited from Trump’s endorsement and surged to the nomination, right? In Pennsylvania, Doctor Oz was able to get to, I don’t know, the lead by a few thousand votes. I attribute that to Trump. In place after place, you saw the energy of the Trump endorsement.
But more importantly, there’s not a person that ran that won anywhere, Doug Mastriano, who is Pennsylvania governor, Republican nomination, nominee now. He was a big Trump, supported by Trump.
But my point here is it’s not so much that the Trump endorsement is what’s matter.
Even the people that aren’t endorsed by Trump are Trumpy, fully Trumpy.
Totally Trumpy.
It’s not even close. And so it’s extraordinary to watch and extraordinary to see how it’s the Republican Party of Donald J. Trump. That’s the facts.
But what you need to know is Pennsylvania has shown again how stupid the ruling class thinks we are. And when I say the ruling class, I mean both parties, because both parties in the last five years have publicly gone out and campaigned and said that they do not believe the election system that we have in this country is effective.
Five years ago, it was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats who are complaining about foreign interference. In the last year and a half, it’s been the Republicans. I’ve told you before, I’m reading a book by Tracy Campbell, a Professor, I think at the University of Kentucky, could be at one of the Kentucky universities, not the University of Kentucky. But Tracy Campbell wrote a book on election fraud up to 2004.Tthat’s when it was published, in about 2013 or 12. And the book shows how definitively we’ve always had problems with elections, but we’ve always had the ability to take the problem seriously and get to solutions. And that brings us to today.
What you need to know is in Pennsylvania, what you saw happen was a race between Dr. Oz and this McCormick guy that’s now within a couple of thousand votes. But they again had problems. They had problems with printed ballots. They had problems with mail-in ballots. They had problems with counties, it’s one county, stopping counting.
The system is broken.
And every time that we finish an election and everyone says, oh, Geez, that system didn’t seem good enough. And when I say it’s broken, what I mean is not that it doesn’t work at all. It works sort of, but it gives people the impression, the overwhelming impression that the system is either rigged or incompetent or rigged, and the impression that it’s either rigged or it’s completely inadequate. That’s the phrase, the word inadequate, unable to do the job. That’s the impression. And so every time we have an election, 2020, we had it 2016, we had it. In 2018 you had Kamala Harris going all over town saying that, oh, my gosh, we’ve got to worry about elections.
And by the way, when the Georgia governor’s race went down, Stacy Abrams said it was stolen for years. She said it was stolen from her.
So we have both sides agreeing on the problem.
And what you need to know is no one willing to do anything. They take us for fools.
And here’s why I’ve taken to saying it like this.
If you’re a fox and you’re in the henhouse and someone says, you know what, we need to decide who gets to be foxes, how we get to decide who gets to be the Foxes in the henhouse? You know what happens? All the foxes in the henhouse say, let’s keep it just the way it is. It’s working pretty good for us. And so I only know of one person in Congress who truly knows that elections are rigged, and
that’s Congressman Pete Sessions of Texas, because his election in 2018 was stolen from him and he only got back in office in 2020. He ran for a new seat and got back in office. And so he’s clear eyed that they can game the system.
But I’m telling you right now, there are 101 ways to steal an election. And every time we’re shown that in an election like we are in Pennsylvania right now, we have no will from the leadership in either party or let me say it better.
No leadership in either party, no one who’s willing to step up and dramatically change the game. I’m not just talking about debating about should we have early voting by 17 days or 14 days? I’m saying no more mail in ballots, period. I’m saying, let’s have a situation where we have one day of voting and you can only do absentee, absentee at a certain time with a certain amount of requirements.
And that’s it. Whatever the aspects of this need to be, dramatic changes. And here’s the trick. Here’s the key.
It needs whoever will do this will win elections, they will win elections and they will dominate. There needs to be someone who says, we are going to have transparency in the system. You will be able to recognize how the system changed and how it’s now managed differently so you can have confidence in the system.
And we’re now going to have Dr. Oz and this McCormick guy do a recount, and they’re going to spend all their time doing a recount, and they’re going to show that the system is broken.
They printed ballots wrong. They counted them wrong. They had human error, they had machine error and all this stuff.
And yet when we’re done, will there be a mass movement to change things?
No, I want to say one more thing.
Doug Mastriano, who is a friend of mine, I can say that, he’s a guy I know pretty well, a state Senator from Pennsylvania, really good dude, a retired military guy. I was with him about three weeks ago for a big dinner. He won the nomination for governor. He actually, I think if he is elected governor, will go after making the elections transparent for both parties.
But again, when I ran the election board in St. Louis I used to tell people we have two jobs. One job is to run a really competent system. It’s a complex system. You have to run it well. It’s going to take some time and some practice. Let’s do it well. And the second thing, though, is you have to talk about and educate about the system so that people believe their vote counts and they believe that they’re valued and they believe that the system isn’t broken. You can’t do one without the other.
If you do one without the other, the system is breaking down.
And I will say this. What you need to know right now is the threats of China, threats of Russia, threats of violent video games, threats of Joe Biden’s imaginary white supremacy. Whatever you think the threats to our nation are, there is no larger threat to our nation and the rule of law and the Constitution than the destruction of our election systems. And the destruction is not happening by one fell swoop and one big bomb. It’s happening by general mismanagement, general distrust, and a growing realization that the systems of our elections are either rigged. That’s how it feels to me, or inadequate. And either one of those two, at this point, we’ve got to change or we’re not serious.
We’re not serious about America.
Inflation is a monstrous problem. I’m up in Pennsylvania and I’m driving around and I’m meeting Democrat owners of gas stations. I shouldn’t say owners. One Democrat owner of a gas station and plenty of other people who are talking about it, who is saying to me, how can they keep the gas prices like this? How can they not open the pipelines? What are they doing? He said, it’s just driving us crazy. He said, if food prices up, gas prices up, inflation going crazy, and all of that pales. And I’m being serious in comparison to the reality of our broken election system, because if we don’t fix our election system, if we don’t have confidence, the thing falls to pieces, it bottoms out. I’m not just talking about having the liberals elected to office. That’s bad enough.
I’m talking about the system not having civic participation and engagement that has always been the American sort of touchstone that we vote and we care and even when you don’t even know when the turnout vote is 58%, you say Where’s everybody else it’s still a sort of way we feel and think about America. That’s what you need to know. That’s what’s at stake and we’ve got to do something about it if we’re serious.
All right. We’re going to take a break. We got a lot more on the show. Don’t forget. Please visit proamericareport.com. If you’re liking our content, if you’re enjoying our content like it on Facebook and heart it on Twitter and retweet and pass it on and spread the word. We’ll take a break and be right back. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Back in a moment.