Sandi Ruggles with Brian Hagedorn
Washington, D.C.: Wisconsin’s Phyllis Schlafly Eagles were in the middle of the fight to elect conservative State Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn this week.
“State President Sandi Ruggles is a very important part of the conservative movement in Wisconsin and of our Eagle network across the nation,” said Ed Martin, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles president. “We are grateful for her work and her faithful service to conservative values seeing them put into action through elections and law making. Brian Hagedorn’s election to the Wisconsin Supreme Court could easily change the legal landscape in that state for a decade.
“Particularly encouraging is the report of numbers which show not only a switch from liberal to conservative Supreme Court picks in Wisconsin, but also that this victory comes with an overall increase in the number of voters! Conservatives are on the move across the country, adding to the ranks of people who understand that we must put Americans First!”
The Phyllis Schlafly Eagles will continue to pray for the success and wisdom of Hagedorn on the bench and for the continued success of our wonderful Wisconsin leader, Sandi Ruggles.