Of all the Democrats who tried their luck at getting their party’s nomination for president, it should be shocking that the diversity tyrants of the Left chose two old white guys as the last men standing. While there may not be much diversity in terms of skin color or sex, there is definitely something different about Bernie Sanders. “Crazy Bernie” is what President Trump called the 78-year-old junior senator from tiny Vermont, and the nickname isn’t meant to describe a harmless oddball. Senator Sanders’ excellent showing in early primaries frightened the financial kingmakers in the Democrat party.
Establishment Democrats raised the alarm when Bernie refused to apologize for praising the communist dictators of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. Of course, that’s not because Democrats don’t admire the communist dictators. Rather, the kingmakers are pragmatists to the core. They were just worried about the prospect of losing Florida, since it is home to thousands of refugees from those countries.
That’s when these Establishment types set out to destroy Bernie’s chances to win. Two high-profile Democrat contenders pulled out within hours of each other after the South Carolina primary and endorsed Bernie’s rival, Joe Biden. This was not a coincidence. It was the result of a behind-the-scenes effort to stop Bernie from obtaining the nomination.
“Quid pro quo!” was Trump’s response at a rally in North Carolina. Rather than investigate non-existent collusion by Russia for Trump, someone should investigate what may have been promised to the other contenders to abruptly withdraw and endorse Biden. The effectiveness of these conspiratorial withdrawals might have been hampered by millions of early votes that were already cast, but the intent was the same. They wanted to derail Bernie at any cost.
Despite all these efforts, Bernie still managed to get major grassroots support from Democrats nationwide. Before COVID-19 changed everything, Bernie was easily drawing thousands or even tens of thousands of people to his rallies. The two takeaways from this couldn’t be clearer. First, never trust the establishment of either party. Second, don’t trust a party whose grassroots supporters are falling for a guy who goes around complimenting communist dictators.