The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together. Thank you for tuning in. Please visit, and sign up for the daily e-mail the there excuse me, sign up for the emails there I will send longer form writing that I do out there from there. Also if you visit You can sign up for the daily WYNK. The daily WYNK is what you need to know goes out every morning, 8:00 AM, East Coast time, 5:00 AM Pacific Time and has a couple of stories. Couple of links and then one key point, one key point that you need to hammer home and understand. And so this this is it Today we’ll see. Sometimes I do this segment the WYNK I call it what you need to know. And it’ll change before we get to the next WYNK that gets sent out as an e-mail, but we’ll see what happens. Here’s what I want to talk about today. What you need to know. I I I need to come up with catchier names, catchier titles for some of my theories, and for example, this next theory is it’s called the one-term president. Of the modern era, the one term presidency. Sorry, the one-term presidency of the modern era. What do I mean by that?
What I mean by that is there’s no chance in my opinion that you’re going to have another two term President back-to-back. Because the nature of the social media, big tech, big media, the nature of government, the nature of the incentives for attention as well as money, those are sort of repeating. I’m repeating myself. All the incentives are for crisis and problems and Drama and energy. Negative energy. And so by the time you got and and and.
So my point is, by the time you get to the second or third year of a Presidency, you probably have lost the House. That seems to happen pretty regularly, almost every time in the in the first term of a president, they lose a lot of seats, usually a lot of seats, Obama in 2010. Trump in 2018. Biden in 2022 wasn’t as big a deal. He held the line, but he lost the House. He still lost the House. And so that’s what happens. And by that time you’re running out of energy, you start to have people doing investigations and impeachments and all this kind of stuff. And the media is relentless. Both parties, to both parties. Biden is being relentlessly picked apart now that you can you, if you’re a. If you’re a a conservative, if you’re someone that looks at Biden and says his policies are bad, you say he’s not actually being picked apart the way he should be. If he was a Republican, he’s still being diminished. So that’s my theory of the one term presidency of the modern era and.
Then you say. So here’s what you need to know. Go on to the Twitter machine. You now called X and go and find a guy named Mike Benz. Now Mike Benz is someone who has his his X handle is @Mike BenzCyber @Mike BenzCyber. He’s the executive director of an of an entity which is called the Foundation for Freedom Onine the foundation for Freedom Online and Mike Benz worked at one point in the government and the cyber side. He’s the author of a of a book, Weapons of Mass Deletion. I think that’s I think it’s oh, it’s that’s right. That’s the running joke. It’s not published yet. He’s got a big book that he’s been working on. He hasn’t published but. Here’s the thing.
Benz does these videos where he explains stuff and he has a short video from I think it was Tuesday. It could be a day before that, but I think it’s Tuesday and the video is him and he’s talking about he’s talking about how things work and he talks about how. Narrative beats facts. So in other words, somebody who has a narrative beats the facts. By by the narrative and your, your facts may be important, but if the narrative’s better, that’s what wins. But then he goes on for another. Another part of this and says, yeah, yeah, yeah. Narrative beats facts. But here’s the twist. Vibe beats narrative, and he goes into this explanation. He’s kind of a cool dude. He’s really cool. He’s got a kind of he’s bald, and he’s got a beard. And this one he’s wearing a a sunglasses. He kind of talks to his his phone walking. It’s very cool. He’s a very cool dude. But here’s what he’s saying.
He’s talking about Vibe and what he means by that is how you’re doing things, how the energy is what’s around you, what the kind of, how things are are are feeling. It’s kind of energy, energy, better than feelings.
Feelings is the wrong word. Energy.
And so you need to watch this. It’s about a 7 minute video and he’s talking about how in 2016, the vibe was all Trump, people were commenting on Trump. There was energy. People were. And then he says in 2020, the vibe was sort of not Trump. It was Trump on the defensive. And and his what he says in this one. And it doesn’t talk about it too much. He gets to the end of the video. It.
Where’s the vibe now? Who? Where do you think the vibe in the country and this goes back to my one term presidency of the modern era. At a certain point you just have feel the energy. The energy is against Joe Biden. They can try to spin it and they can try to say, well, you know you the border is not our fault. Well, you’re in charge, it certainly is your fault. There’s no other way around that. But you can try. You can try to spin these things. It doesn’t really work. It doesn’t work at all. But more importantly, the vibe, the vibe, the energy that’s better the energy. And it doesn’t work for me to say vibe. When Mike Benz says Vibe, it kind of works for me. I just would say the energy is all in one direction. Well, that’s not fair. Let me say it better.
The energy is clearly in one direction favorably in one direction. There’s energy around what’s going on, and there’s not sort of discordant energy on the Republican side. You can say Nikki Haley’s still running and there’s some beef in this and that. But in general, the people who are identified as center right voters are with the energy of opposition to to to Biden. And here’s the thing.
More and more Americans feel that. And as I’ve said over and over again, it’s not about you’re not going to convince ultra liberal women to vote for Trump. You’re not even going to convince most African American women to vote for Trump, although some, I think will over the schools and some of the distrust of the of the Government on on, on, on pharma and and on and on vaccines. But there’s other groups that are much more open because of the energy, and they’re seeing the energy like Trump is his energy is to say, hey, we can’t have the open border, we’ve got to stop things. The energy of young white males who probably don’t usually vote and probably don’t too vote too often conservative, they’re they’re headed. They’re seeing the energy in their direction.
And here’s the wild card. You mark my words. That’s why I’ve said this over and over again. There’s one man who should. The VP, the VP nominee to Trump, and that’s Ben Carson because more and more African American men are looking up and they’re going, man, they keep doing the Trump all this stuff. What if what if if he’s so bad they say he’s so bad but he hasn’t done any crimes except all this made-up stuff.
He gets screeched at by Joy Reid. He gets screeched at by Rachel Maddow. He gets sued by the the the woman up in New York who who went on Rachel Maddow show the other day. And said she’s. Gonna use her money to buy a penthouse for Rachel Maddow, and then her lawyer said, oh, she’s just kidding. I mean, she didn’t sound like a serious person. She didn’t sound like.
Remember some of those women that were traumatized by Weinstein, the the producer, the Hollywood producer, and when you saw them talk about what he did to them, Harvey Weinstein, when you saw him talk, you got a. Sense of the. Gravity of what they went through and the and the strength it took to come out and to talk about it.
That’s not what you saw on Rachel Maddow show with the woman that sued Trump and got this ridiculous verdict number insane numbers. And my point here is to tell you that the vibe as Mike Benz calls it, the vibe is all directionally against the people in power. Biden. The Democrats. It’s against them at @MikeBenzCyber at Mike Benz cyber. Check him out and definitely follow him in and and see his videos he’s got. He’s got about 10 or 12 videos that I’ve seen. They probably got more than that, that are really worth looking at too. But definitely look at this one, which I’ll put up on social media and link in here because. It’s very good. It’s very good. It’s remember the and and I love it, especially cause I’ve always thought the Ben Shapiro thing is, you know, truth. Truth. The facts don’t care. The facts don’t care about your feelings or something like that. He’s famous for. It’s such nonsense. It’s just nonsense. It’s just not true.
I think Mike Pence is much more correct that that facts are trumped by narrative. And that the narrative is trumped and beaten by vibe. That’s not to say that the facts don’t matter. They do. It’s not to say that the narrative doesn’t matter. It does. It’s just saying that at a certain point, how people feel, how they relate to it, how the energy is around something is going to be what really impacts what’s happening. It’s very well done. Mike Benz. Check him out. Very good guy too. A nice guy. I’m. I only met him in person once, maybe, but I’ve talked to him on the phone a few times. He’s a impressive guy, kind of thoughtful, interesting and worth checking out. Alright, there you go. Look that up and you will not. You will not regret it.
And remember, go to Sign up there for the daily. Yeah. Excuse me. Ohh geez again. For the longer form substack that I write there and go to and sign up for the daily WYNK which is available there, just go to You’ll see a block and sign up there and you can get signed up there so that you get. This as well as some key links and lots more. Check it all out.
All right. We’ll take a break. We’ll be right back. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America eport In a moment We’ll talk, we’ll Talk a little bit about climate change again and somebody environmental crazies and what they’re up to be right back here on the Pro America Report.