What You Need To Know is Trump is a fighter! The fake news media continues pounding Trump about white supremacy and Big tech is hiding the story on the Biden’s connection to China and Russia. When it seems like the swamp is winning, big tech is winning, the media is winning we ask ourselves can we win? The answer is yes, we can win! It might be We the People and Donald Trump against the world but we are fed up with the bullying, lying and extortion. We can’t spare Trump because he fights for us!
Lord Conrad Black, historian, columnist, financier, and author, talks about Pence Regains the Initiative, But Trump Must Finish the Job. Lord Black gives his opinion on Trump’s town hall on Thursday and also how big tech is against Trump.
Terry M. Giles, lawyer turned entrepreneur, talks about his book The Fifteen Percent: Overcoming Hardships and Achieving Lasting Success. He shares how he lived in poverty during his childhood and what helped him to have the success he has today. Get your copy here!
What You Need to Do is help protect the election! You can do that by volunteering to be a poll watcher.