The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report with Ed Martin.
Welcome back, welcome back. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together with you as always.
Coming up in a few moments, I will dismantle for you on the International Criminal Court, which is a mess. They’ve decided that they’re going to seek arrest warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister. As well as the Hamas leader, I mean I, you know, at this point the the good news is the International Criminal Court should be disreputable. To all, it’s just extra, you know, extra national. It gets outside of the constitutions of nations. It’s just not a good idea. It becomes a sort of political football, and this probably exposes it as such in a way that won’t change it. And. A lot more.
Today I’m hoping we’ll talk in a few moments with Todd. Bensman, I’m trying to get him lined up. He’s been on the road a lot, but we haven’t had an update from him on the border. And we shall talk about that, I hope.
But let me start today with today’s WYNK, reminding you visit Sign up there for the emails. You may notice if you’re a close watcher and a close reader. The WYNK. The daily WYNK. What you need to know the e-mail. Goes out 8:00 AM East Coast, 5:00 AM Pacific Time, and I have started to test whether it’s gonna get a better open rate. Get more attention, be a little bit tighter by sending that out three days a week instead of five days a week. It takes a good bit of work to do. And stay on top of. But also I just sometimes it’s the law of diminishing returns. You, you. You’re sending too much and people aren’t paying attention as much. So we’ll see on that.
But go to sign up there. It’s also where I do some longer posting. I intend to post something on Dr. Ben Carson, the extraordinary American Neurosurgeon who served under the Trump administration in the Trump administration and has a new book out. I’m hoping to interview him in the next week or two about his book. And so we’ll see. sign up there and you will get, it’s a free subscription. You can be a paid subscriber if you’d like, but that would help always. But mostly just want you to get the information. Alright.
I want to today. Talk a little bit what you need to know is things are more like. Things are more like what you think they are than they are. You just gotta listen.
Now, that’s a crazy way to open this up. But here’s what I mean. I I was talking to somebody who’s in the restaurant business and he was telling me how the inflation, the cost of inflation, it just echoes through everything. It’s not just that the bread you’re buying is 25% more. Or, as I always talk about my bacon, the bacon slab that we buy at our local our local grocery store and seem to go through pound after pound, I think it was $11.99, it’s now up to $16.99. It was as high as $19.99. I think at one point, but it’s back down a little bit. But my friend in restaurant said what, you know, what you know is, hey, some things cost a lot and you could see it, he said. But once food costs are going up, it it it, it escalates it, it’s it, it flows through into all kinds of things into all kinds of aspects of, of Business, not just the restaurant business, but other businesses and schools, because schools have to pay for food for their kids, for the kids and. The students there. Anyway, inflation is not one thing you get dinged on. It echoes through the economy is his point, which is something, back to my assertion that, you know, if you think about it, but you may not realize.
Here’s another example. It’s graduation season. And so during the graduation season, we I have some family members that are graduating. So we’ve been to. There’s a high school graduation here and a college graduation there and a lot of things going on, a lot of parties and events. And it turns out that a lot of times now you see people that you hadn’t seen for a long time that are sort of friends of your family or friends of friends. And so I was in one of these graduation events and saw a friend of mine who hadn’t seen in years, probably 10 years. And she’s a very top level executive, very successful, very smart. Very put together professionally and in every way, she’s just very impressive, always was, top notch education, but not a snob. Like not one of those people that came out of the schools and thinks they’re smart, she just really knows things and she’s in a very important position. And I told her I wouldn’t say what company because she would get. She doesn’t need the attention but.
What she told me was that there’s been all kinds of moments where you see these things creep into the the the corporate environment and actually she went on to talk about the nonprofit environment. She serves on a couple of boards, and it’s crazy. It’s even crazier than to think of. That you’ll have, like, DEI stuff Come in and you’ll be saying, you know, let’s consider DEI and it’s completely, you know, not in line with what you’re supposed to be working on. What the issues at hand.
Another one. Ohh. Another one was on on the nonprofit side. She said that there was like a like a discussion that it was about serving some of the poor. And the the, suddenly the board decided. Let’s get to the roots of all poverty and families. And she was like, wait a second. We’re supposed to do this part of the service like we we’re. We’re not the ones that are gonna solve the whole thing. We’re doing this. We gotta actually, you know, take care of this problem.
Here’s my point. What you think is happening in, say, the political correct world, the DEI world, in some of these things, the green initiatives, the the Green New Deal and all the way that they try to drive you say, well, those people are kind of talking over here and they seem silly. It drives its way through and impacts. So many different aspects. Of our lives, you know that that that’s one of the things about this stuff that is is kind of ongoing, including at one of the graduations. There was one of the the speakers spoke at length about how you know the green initiatives are helping, you know and you know and and I don’t think they were there was just kind of a code. It was like in trying to sound appreciative of people who are supposed to be Trendy on a college campus, but they didn’t, actually Make any sense to what the mission of what you’re talking about you’re doing. And so, but it’s happening all around us.
And the only question I have is, can you stop it because – some of these things, I gotta say, DEI for example, it’s very hard to picture some of these major universities, corporations, others stepping back from the DEI stuff because they they’ll get negative attention from the people that watch that. But for most Americans, I don’t know if you saw a. The, President Biden gave a speech at Morehouse College and by the time he was done, he was like, speaking down. It felt to me, to black people about how they’re victims and they’re oppressed and that you know that that’s how it is in America.
Well, I don’t think that’s how people feel when they’re graduating college. They may be thinking. I started out oppressed. But I’m. Or I started out at a disadvantage, but I’m succeeding. They actually are inspired to succeed.
And so my my point here is that when you listen and and you know my friend the the woman that I saw, we didn’t start out on that subject. She knows I’m I’m conservative and and I do all this stuff we didn’t start it on that subject but once we got talking there was example after example we’re crazy crazy policies. Are driving a a business and driving them crazy.
And I actually think probably because of her and others that her business has generally resisted it or figured out ways to work around it. You sort of know what you’ve got.
But there are other places where you know. You’re you’re literally twisted. Upside down and inside out by these policies.
Here’s another one, though. Back to my restaurant guy, I’m talking to this man. The food owns a business, and that’s in the food service. He said. You know, everyone thinks that these let’s let’s raise the minimum wage. Let’s raise the minimum wage. Let’s raise the minimum wage. And he said and you got places and he’s got some of the businesses and his business in California. He said where now the business model is just upside down in every way and and and the the people who are good servers, good waitresses and waiters, they want tips. But you can’t have tips if you have to pay a set amount of money per per hour, a minimum wage and you have to monitor that so closely. And so he said, you know, you’re you’re turning the whole thing upside down based on some preference by somebody who’s not in the business.
Seems to me. That these policies, whether it’s DEI, minimum wage, these over environmental overarching policies are are more out of touch than ever. But they’re very, very effective. Meaning a very impactful that’s the way To say it. They do make a difference. It’s just not the difference. That is the best thing for the business, for the individuals, for the people. It’s really a a crazy system to see and it seems to be escalating, accelerating. That’s the word, boy. It’s Monday.
It’s accelerating that the that the impact is accelerating and the, the and and the the number of ways. That regulators and others are impacting what’s happening. Is proliferating at a faster rate. Almost than ever before. Now, and I don’t think that’s only Joe Biden, I think it is accelerated by Joe Biden. I think that the Trump administration had had some people that really wanted to cut regulations. That was one of their things that they were pushing. But I don’t think it’s only that, I think it’s just. I think it’s the the growth. In the in the size and scope of government, the growth in the spending of government. COVID especially accelerated some of it. It’s it’s just moving rapidly and proliferating rapidly.
And so, you know, you say, well, what’s the solution? You know, and how do you make the argument to roll this stuff back? It’s not easy because ohh I one of the things I I think to say and I don’t think my friend said this explicitly.
Once you just tell me the rules. I’ll work around the rules. That’s kind of what people do and they’ll build into their model, the cost of what that what they Have To do and and to play the game. That’s not the most efficient system, and overtime it becomes an inefficient system and over time it becomes a real drag. So anyway, that’s my that’s my WYNK today. What you need to know, don’t forget visit sign up there for the daily emails and we’ll be right back. Ed Martin here on. The Pro America Report back in a moment.