Welcome, Welcome, welcome! Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Another great show coming up for you. And we will to speak with a couple of very interesting guests, a woman vice President over at Priests for Life, Doctor Janet Morana, who’s written a book, Everything You Need to Know About Abortion for Teens. And also we will spend a few moments and we’ll talk with I mentioned yesterday, Stefano Gennarini from the Center for Family and Human Rights. He is a watchdog up at the UN on what’s going on with abortion and the UN tacking to the left. So we got all that and we will get a lot more.
But first, what you need to know, I don’t know how to get into this correctly today, but first, I want to set up that Joe Biden decided from the White House as President of the United States to say that the MAGA movement is the most extreme movement ever, most extreme organization of citizens ever in this country. He may be one of the more despicable leaders we’ve ever had because even the people at the time of, say, the Civil War and Lincoln, for example, didn’t speak about the people they disagreed with in this way.
It’s unheard of.
And I have to say, I think it’s partly because he’s addled. It’s partly because he’s an addled old dude, but it’s also because he’s come to the end of his road politically, where for 50 years he’s been sort of a liar. And now he’s full on had to go all the way. Now, what do I mean by that?
Well, for most of his career, he would say something like, well, I’m a Christian, I’m a Catholic, and I’m personally pro life. I don’t like abortion, but I would never want to impose my view on other people. And then, meanwhile, as a good Liberal Democrat, he would go about imposing his will on other people. In fact, that’s what the law is. The law is making sure that the will of the nation is imposed on the nation. We don’t allow murder, for example. We shouldn’t allow our borders to be open. Another example. And so the idea that you say that it’s such a lie, but he’s gone full liar now. He’s decided that he’s pandering so blatantly to the pro-abortion the big money of the pro-abortion movement that funds the Democratic Party, that he’s just gone all the way over. It’s pathetic.
It’s pathetic and it’s sad and it’s empty. It’s hollow.
If you think about the pro abortion position, no one will say what the truth is, which is that they’re going to pick their own life over the life of a baby. That’s the choice. They don’t believe it’s a baby, many of them, but that’s what they say. Pro-lifers say we think it’s baby, so we want to protect it. It’s a kind of cleaner thing. Pro-abortion people say well, we want to protect people’s options. People have a right to their own destiny, their body, all that stuff. No, what you truly are saying is you believe your life, your body, your convenience is bigger than another life. And I’m not saying that’s okay. I’m saying just be honest about the argument and he’s not doing that.
Well, what you need to know is it’s all about the money. It’s all about the power and the abortion industry, which is truly in my estimation. I’m not making this up. I’m not saying this is like a dramatic I actually think it’s evil because what the abortion industry, Planned Parenthood and its entities around it, what they do is demean the human person, both the baby that dies and is killed and also the woman, and even men for that matter, who are made into less than human. They’re just functionaries of preferences that are not rooted in anything substantial.
Or maybe I shouldn’t say it that way. You’re tricked into thinking it’s substantial. When it’s hollow, it’s empty.
But here’s the trick. Here’s the thing that’s happening. It’s a money play. It’s a money play. On the front page of Politico, you see an article and I’ve told you before, you have to watch Politico.com and a few other places to see what the left is thinking. And generally. And I say this sincerely with more sophistication Politico is not like Code Pink, their website or Planned Parenthood’s website. Politico is left. It is left. And it is going to serve the left, but it’s going to do so in a sort of way. You got to read through it and you got to understand, they’re clever. And so the front page of Politico during the day on Thursday was all kinds of writings and a big headline was about birth control and over the counter birth control, that you shouldn’t need a prescription for birth control. And by extension, what they really mean is the chemical provision of abortion.
And here’s where we’re back to the money. There’s lots of money in being the entities that provide the chemicals that are used by people to end a life, to have an abortion and for birth control. And we have seen and it’s not talked about enough, but we have seen the data that says the chemical birth controls and of course, the chemical abortions are more damaging to women than has ever been discussed. The hormones that are required for women to be on the pill, they’ve adjusted them over the years. It used about 25 years ago, 30 years ago, 40 years ago, you were on a dose that was sized for a horse instead of a human instead of a woman. And they’ve adjusted that over time.
But it’s big business. The business around Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry is big money. Big money is a better word. Not big business. It’s big money. And the big money. What you need to know is directionally, always Liberal always Democrat, always about control.
So when you see Governor Pritzker of Illinois saying that no matter what happens, Illinois will be a bastion of abortion. If the Supreme Court says that Roe v. Wade is not a fundamental right, Illinois will be the place to come. It’s money, big money, big money, if that’s what you want to do, if you’re willing to sell your soul. In my opinion, Pritzker probably doesn’t think that. I don’t know what he thinks, but it’s big money and it’s big money for candidates. So when Joe Biden talks about his gradual change to being a rabid, anti-life, pro-abortion guy, it’s the money, and I mean campaign money, you can’t run for President and be pro-life, as a Democrat.
You can no longer be a Democrat at almost any level, but certainly at the federal level in Congress. They ran the last pro-life Democrat out of the US House, Dan Lipinski from Illinois, ran him out. They ran a primary against him. AOC, Pelosi backed to primary opponent because he was pro-life.
So what you need to know is the abortion fight and the fight over Planned Parenthood, it’s always been about money at its heart. Someday when we all have omniscience in heaven, God help us and God willing, we’ll find out that there were some really evil people at the heart of it. I do believe that. When you hear Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the late Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who was the sort of inventor of NARAL and an abortionist himself, who became a convert and then turned against abortion, actually became a devout Catholic towards the end of his life. When you hear him say, we made it up, we made up the numbers, we made up the statistics, we made up the stories because we believe so fervently. I think when we have all knowing, if we could know everything, f we could see into the hearts of men and go sort of above and be like God, I think you’d see some real evil, some really evil people at the heart of this. But around them are people motivated by money and they’re willing to do anything they can for money, and even selling their soul and aborting their babies. I’m talking about the leaders now. I’m not the rest of the country you watch and we’re watching it happen in real time.
The leaker of the Alito draft opinion is being called a hero by the left, and the media is writing the stories as if they are saying it’s a crisis in this country because the Supreme Court has said not that anything’s banned, just that the ruling that made it a fundamental right is no longer valid. They’re putting up high walls around the Supreme Court preparing for the same. I mean, you almost want to call 1800 riot and you get the 1800 riot, you get the number and they say, do you want it to look like Antifa after George Floyd or do you want it to look like Ferguson after Michael Brown or do you want it to look like January of 2017 when you’re swearing in Donald Trump? Which riot do you want to buy, politically? Because we’ll pay for it and we’ll get it set up and we’ll have the media join in and the hoax will be that America cares about having a fundamental right to Privacy for abortion created out of whole cloth 50 years ago.
They care more about that than they do about anything else. That’s what the media, the narrative machine, big tech, big money and big government will enforce.
And you know what?
For a whole bunch of Americans, It will be enough. They will be convinced. And for a whole bunch of Americans, they will never know. They’ll never see that behind the curtain. Follow the money, is people that make money. Millions, billions of dollars over the 50 years. Hundreds of millions of dollars a year off of abortion from the government, federal government, state government, local government, Planned Parenthood, all these groups. What you need to know is it’s almost the biggest battle ever. Yes, it’s about life. Yes, it’s about darkness and light, but it’s also about fundamentally power. And the left has amassed power in such a way and it’s been bolstered by the money and the support through the abortion movement. Which government funds.
In the interview I told you I recorded the other day. I recorded it yesterday. We’re going to talk in just a few moments. You’ll hear the recording that I did with Stefano Gennarini and he’ll tell you that in the four years of Trump, they were trying to change the direction on funding for abortion, funding for abortion agencies. And it was slow because the bureaucrats hold it up because it’s big, big business in the world, in America, in your neighborhood, in our lives.
All right. That’s what you need to know. All right, we’ll take a break. We’ll come back. We’ve got these great interviews. I’m Ed Martin. It’s the Pro America Report. Please do me a favor. Share this like it pass on to other people. Visit ProAmericaReport.com, where there’s linkable single segments. You can send them out. We’ll be right back, Ed Martin on the Pro America Report. Back in a moment.