In one of the biggest upsets in British political history, conservatives absolutely destroyed the Labour Party late in 2019. The political hacks in the Labour Party, which we in America would call leftists, got a first class lesson in what voters really care about. The lesson came in the form of a massive electoral beatdown in the last election cycle.
Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn adopted positions popular among the over-educated and liberal. He whined about a supposed lack of progress on LGBT issues. At the PinkNews Awards ceremony, he thrilled the audience by emphasizing the pronouns by which he would like to be referred. He made a real show of it, to the point where the pronouns seemed as important as his name itself. That’s a big deal for the transgender crowd, who want all of us to refer to a burly dude with a beard as “she” if he believes he is a woman “on the inside.”
A candidate’s serious announcement of which pronouns to use could have been a joke in a Saturday Night Live skit just a few years ago. Corbyn was completely serious, just like Elizabeth Warren when she did the same thing here in America. All the Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed the so-called Equality Act, which would make it illegal to use the wrong pronoun in the workplace. This has support among higher education, but not in rural areas where Corbyn lost his election or where Trump wins big over here in America.
Jeremy Corbyn is often compared to Bernie Sanders, but I think the more accurate comparison may be with progressives like Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren. They are the so-called “social progressives” who announced pronouns on Twitter. Warren is well known as a professor who got her foot in the door of university elitism by making the dubious claim that she was Native American. Rhodes Scholar “Mayor Pete,” the son of a leftwing university professor, recently attended a lavish fundraiser in billionaire-rich Napa Valley from which leaked photos have outraged working class voters.
The bottom line is that the echo chamber of LBGT ideology in hoity-toity universities won’t win elections for leftists in America or in Britain. Candidates be warned.