In an October Interview, Hillary Clinton flatly denied that her husband Bill’s White House indiscretions were an abuse of power. She also said that he was right not to resign amid the scandal – despite being impeached on perjury and obstruction charges. This statement adds nicely to her total defense of her husband over the years, despite many proven and many more credible allegations against him. It also adds irony to her comments just weeks earlier that Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers should be given the benefit of the doubt, and Kavanaugh’s seat on the court undermined the image of a fair judiciary.

There it is, straight from the #MeToo defenders… The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, defending due process, no longer matters.
You see, Hillary believes that #MeToo should apply only to others, not her husband. This view is prolific among Democrats, and the reason it’s shocking when any Democrat gets swept up in the #MeToo hatred. The fact is, the radical feminist movement started and perpetuated by liberals like Hillary Clinton has now grown into a fully-matured social justice movement. #MeToo has become a behemoth too big to control, and the democrats are starting to feel the heat come right back at them.
This spiral out of control is a big reason that confirming Justice Brett Kavanaugh was so important. His hearings were a test for just how far unsubstantiated claims can go toward ruining good men and shifting the course of government itself. If these unsubstantiated claims are allowed to rule Senate proceedings or any other official body, then radical left wing feminists have total clearance to mow down anyone in their path. No more due process. No more legal structure defending the innocent.
Adding to this, a former law professor from the University of Georgia tweeted in response to Melania Trump saying women “need really hard evidence” if they claim to be victims, CNN legal analyst Page Pate (a man) tweeted “A victim’s testimony is legally sufficient evidence by itself to convict someone of sexual assault. No other evidence is required.”
There it is, straight from the #MeToo defenders… The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, defending due process, no longer matters. In the era of feminist accusations, evidence and facts literally no longer matter.