Welcome, welcome, welcome! It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. We’ve got some great guests. In just a few moments, you’ll hear from John Schlafly. John Schlafly is the one half of the dynamic duo that does the Schlafly Report each week over at Townhall.com. It’s a weekly column. Andy and John Schlafly. This week’s column is about globalists who are trying to change America. Not so good.
You’ll hear from him, and then we’ll talk with Chris Sevier. He’s an attorney, a military man who has started an effort. He’s leading an effort. I shouldn’t say he’s the only man starting it to have attorneys, private attorneys play the role of state attorneys general in terms of suing the government to stop them. And he’s got some lawsuits against Joe Biden and others. And I think he describes himself as culturally conservative fighters for good causes. We’ll talk with him in just a few moments also.
But first, I was missing yesterday, and I didn’t get a chance to comment on the tragedy in Texas. And part of the reason why is I find it so disgusting, so terrible, so horrendous to try to handle. It’s just very tough, right? I don’t know about you all. When you see images and you hear these things, it’s just so hard to want to talk about any of it. But I do want to talk about it.
And what you need to know is both parties, the politicians and the media are falling back into the usual camps. And I don’t find them serious.
I don’t find them serious at all.
Joe Biden is not a serious man. When he yells at the TV screen and invokes the Lord’s name in vain and terrible, it’s not serious.
And similarly, when the Democrats say it’s time to control guns, let’s control guns, that will be what does it, it’s not serious.
And I will say, even when you just have Republicans say, well, the Second Amendment protects that and it’s a mental health problem. That’s true. But we’ve said that for a long time now. So what could we do?
How could we think outside the box? How could we think creatively in light of tragedy and not just the one in Texas, but just tragedy in general, suffering in general, maladjustment in general, evil in general.
And here’s my proposal.
If you want to stop deviant, especially young men, from doing horrendous things, you have to change the systems that are forming the young men.
So what is it that are forming young men, malforming young men?
What are the systems?
One is the school system is horrendous. The teachers Union deserve discredit for what they’ve done.
They dominate the public schools. It’s a terrible system. Okay.
There’s a lot of, we can have conversations, by the way, about the family, different things, about fathers, all that, that stuff that I don’t see how we can control. But the school system is a disaster, and it produces animal behavior. It produces people that act like this.So horrendously.
What you need to know is you can fix things if you’ll address the systems.
But instead of saying the system, the school system, is broken, we’ll say, let’s just put another gun ban. Let’s just put a gun registry. Let’s just put a red flag. Let’s just put a security officer.
We should try to make places safe, but we shouldn’t be liars about it.
It’s the system, the school system.
You want to know another system? The fact that we allow our children to use these systems on our smartphones, apps and neuroscientifically designed big tech programs to attract and trap our children and malform them.
That’s happening. You know that, right?
That’s happening.
Here’s another system. How do we live in a place where we say that 15 year olds, twelve year olds, ten year olds can play thousands of hours of violent video games that are not just violent images, not just acting out violently, but neuroscientifically designed to addict and attract and addict, attract and addict. That’s what they’re doing. Big Tech is doing.
We’re talking about tens of billions of dollars.
Now, you can say free speech. And I would say, well, you can limit certain recipients of free speech, okay? You can say it’s free speech to have pornography. And yet we can agree that you shouldn’t distribute pornography to ten year olds, right? I think that’s true. If not, you don’t agree with that, you’re a different spot than me.
What you need to know is the system that allows smartphones in the hands of an eight year old and video games in the hands of ten year olds. Ten years old, ten year olds, is a broken system.
When the Buffalo shooting happened last week, ten days ago, two weeks ago, whatever it was, a Green Bay Packers football player. I think he’s retired. Tweeted this was covered in John Schlafly’s not the column this week, but week before he referenced this Green Bay Packers football lineman.
Now, you should know that professional football players, basketball players, baseball players, professional players who have a lifestyle that requires them to practice, then play, practice and play with a lot of downtime in between. A lot of travel time. They travel with their video gaming systems. They also have a lot of money, most of them.
And they play all the time.
So the Green Bay Packers lineman, he said, I recognized the Buffalo shooter when he took a shot because he had a vest on. And he reacted and he went back. He fought back or whatever. He had a term actually for it, I think. And that was from one of the video games.
We’re destroying our kids with smartphones and the big tech apps and with video games and the big tech targeting, we’re allowing our children to be malformed in front of our eyes. So you want to talk about stopping the violence, stopping the chaos.
I would like to see more fathers in the home. I would like to see more God in our lives. I would like to see more church worship. I’d like to see all that. But that’s hard to compel people to do. I can’t really justify a law that makes you go to church.
I can justify a law that brings the, God and scripture back into the public discourse a bit, but it’s hard to do.
But I can envision laws, changes in policy that would absolutely dismantle the schoolteachers unions and the public schools. That system is destroying our kids.
Did you notice this? I don’t even know. I shouldn’t even say it out loud.
But there haven’t been a lot of mass shootings from kids in private schools or home schoolers. They’re public school, public school attendees. And even if they’re not, too many of our private schools are nonsense anyway.
But if we want to be serious, what you need to know is there’s ways to be serious about broken systems that are creating broken individuals. And the broken systems include a school system dominated by our teachers unions and maybe more importantly, an environment where Big Tech is able to create systems that attract and addict young people.
Young people.
If you walked around and said, hey, little kid, come over here. I got some candy for you. You’d say, that’s creepy.
That’s creepy. What’s that guy doing?
Right now we have Big Tech in our lives. The smartphones, the video games. I would ban them. You can’t drive a car until you’re 16 and a half or 17 years old, right? Let’s call it 17 years old. You can’t get your driver’s license to drive a dangerous vehicle, a car because we can’t trust that you, as a 16 year old, can handle it. So we make it way. You take a license, a test, you get it at 17 years old or so. Now, does that mean that there’s not ten year old kids that could drive a car? No, of course there are. But in general, we can say that there would be damage to ourselves and to the individuals if they were given a car too young.
Same thing.
Video games. No. Video games? No.
Until you turn 18.
Smartphones and big tech targeting apps. No, not until you turn 18. Something like that.
That would be getting serious.
Now you can say, oh, there were shootings before big tech and big apps, maybe. I don’t really care. I’m just describing what I see now and what I see now is our kids. Those are three systems. Don’t tell me you’re going to change the gun background checks because we all know if you know politics, you’re lying, Joe Biden, you’re lying, Republicans. You’re not going to make a deal on guns. The second amendment and the anti second amendment lobbies are locked in. They’ve got it figured out.
They’re raising money off of it.
They’re not serious.
I’ve already talked about in a number of interviews that we should do something more with mental health where we change the laws so we can institutionalize people that are really sick. But that’s not the only, that’s not going to solve everything because you can’t institutionalize everybody.
But I put three systems out that if you dramatically dismantle the three systems, change them, you could affect dramatically, I believe, the health of young people.
One is the school system and the broken system and the broken teachers Union that exploits our kids.
Number two is the smartphones in every hand. I would put a limit. You can’t drive a smartphone, can’t drive a smartphone, can’t drive a car till you’re 16 or, 17 can’t drive a smartphone until you’re 16 or 17.
And then video games, the violent video games. I just would say, okay, do you want to have them when you’re 25 or 28? Whatever. But you can’t have them when you’re 12, 10, 15, got to be 18, got to be 17. Something.
Get serious, get serious. That’s what you need to know.
All right, we’ve got to take a break. We’ll come back and we will talk with John Schlafly, the Schlafly report. And also we will speak with Chris Sevier, the xecutive director of this effort to empower private attorneys to stand up for we the people.
And don’t forget, please visit Pro America Report. Proamericareport.com. Follow me at @EagleEdMartin on Twitter. @EagleEdMartin on Twitter and you can track down all these great interviews over there. Be right back. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Back in a moment.