The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together and I appreciate you being here, the Pro America Report. You know, I have done probably 55 zero interviews over the last two weeks because of people wanting to talk about January 6th and my background as a lawyer for some of the January 6th folks and also the my service on the Patriot Freedom Project Board of Directors and it’s been extraordinary. It’s been really great. An awful lot of people are willing to talk and think about January 6 in a way that was different even than six months ago. Certainly a year ago and 18 months ago, people were almost openly hostile, even on our side. Even more conservative people. And I credit efforts like you, the Pro America Report listeners, and so many others for getting the word out and continuing to talk about exactly what’s going on. I I just got an e-mail from someone, they they they sent me an image of one of the social media that was Instagram and it was a meme picture of a a woman. She’s holding a hot dog, she said. Let me get this straight. They can. They can tell me who bought a hot dog at January 6th, but they can’t tell me who placed two pipe bombs in front of the political parties. Well, that’s right. That’s right. So people are getting more fed up and they’re paying attention.
But today, what you need to know this segment, the WYNK, please visit sign up there for the daily e-mail. Please visit, sign up there also for our emails. I I misspoke. If you go to, you sign up for my substack feed. It’s it’s not regular, it’s every maybe week, sometimes every three days. I write longer Form. But if you go to, sign up for the daily e-mail, the WYNK can you get that in your inbox at 8:00 AM East Coast Time every day.
But today is subject to, what you need to know today is America’s pronoun America’s pronoun. I know it’s a bit tongue in cheek, but America’s pronoun is we. Not he.
We, not he.
I what T-shirts made, we not he. What do I mean? Well, I just was down earlier today and I was in the courthouse where the appellate argument was taking place for Donald Trump in the Court of Appeals for the Washington for the District of Columbia, about the question of whether the criminal charges against him are way too far and outside of the norm of what’s ever happened ever. Nobody’s ever done it. And the argument is Court of Appeals. So it’s 3 Judge panel with Court of Appeals and I sat there through it, went on for about 90 minutes. Supposed to be 40 minutes actually. Supposed to be 45 minutes. Went on for 90 minutes at 3 judges asking lots of questions but. But here’s the thing. It is an example of what is the ongoing battle. That is lawfare and what’s at stake is not just Donald Trump. Donald Trump and his and his his candidacy, Donald Trump and the the the future of the presidency, is at stake in these battles. This, this Court of Appeals fight was over. Whether it’s true that you can charge any president with any crime that he does in his when he’s in office, so can you go back and charge Obama made a decision to hit a drone? To send a drone that killed Americans, he made a conscious decision to do That. should he be charged with murder. There’s people that say yes. That there’s people that say yes, should Joe Biden be charged? After he’s out of office for the crime of letting people in and people knowing, you know, knowing with with foresight that they’re going to kill people, the cartels are letting people through, should he be charged? And on and on and on.
Examples of George W Bush and. And that’s the question. And the founders, when you listen to these arguments, the founders at the beginning. Of this nation had this rich sense Of protecting us. From ourselves and from each other, from factions, and they had this sense that you couldn’t have a president looking over his shoulder at the at the the people who were against him, his next political opponent, and have to worry about this. You had to have some insulation and be clear. It’s if you steal the china, if you steal the silverware. From the White House, that’s a private act. That’s not we’re talking about, right? If you slug someone, punch someone in the face. Private act. You can be charged with that as a criminal, a criminal matter after you get out of office generally but but, but as to your your job, can you be second guessed and that can’t be true.
But here’s my point. They’re obsessed with Trump, but they’re taking down America. They’re taking down our Republic. And here’s why. You heard me say our pronoun America’s pronoun is We, not he. And it’s true, again, because the King of England is a he, the crown jewels. You can visit the Crown jewels in England and you go to the Crown jewels. If you go to Buckingham Palace, if you go to Westminster Abbey, you can look at all the accoutrement of the king there. There is a crown. There are crown jewels. There is a scepter. There is a special seat. That you have to sit on a a, a royal throne. There are the the and the and the underlying assertion is that your sovereignty in England Comes from him, comes from the king. It goes from God to the king and comes on To the people in. England. That’s a model of living together that we in America rejected. We said we’re not going to Be about he. We’re going to be about WE, we the people that we the people are the ones that Have the power. Given to us by God, and then we come together and we form this Republic, and we go about it.
And what are our crown jewels? There’s not a crown jewel. There’s not a crown jewel in a museum in America. That is, that is like, you know, George Washington’s tiara. He could have done that. He didn’t. But if you go to the museum in the nation’s capital, you’ll see the crown jewel under protection.
It’s the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law, and the Crown jewels are being not just tarnished, they’re being destroyed, stolen and destroyed by the lawfare that’s happening.
And we the people. Are the ones that are in charge, not he the king, not he the president. Not he, the Department of Justice. Not these individuals that think they know better than we do. Ultimately, it’s an arrogance of power. Ultimately, it’s an arrogance of power. Does does the the few. The few he’s in charge, Joe Biden, does it? Does he? Obama, even Trump, does he think he has the power from God or do. We the people. Have it, and therefore all all emanates out from there.
And that’s what’s at stake. That’s what’s at stake. And you watch watching the machinations of these prosecutors, watching the gamesmanship that they’re playing. It’s not a game. It’s not a game, it’s lawfare, which is a word derived from derived from warfare, and it’s against we the people. It’s against what we set up. It’s against the system that holds us together. It’s against the values that We hold dear. Our pronouns are we, we the people. It transformed the world, that somebody did that that we that that we the people did something so dramatically different. So different than anybody else. It’s extraordinary to think about and in the in Human history, the. Whole world, they look at it and they marvel. And we’re at running the risk of losing it. We’re running the risk of and.
And look, there’s always been powerful people that have been persuasive and been leaders and sometimes we haven’t liked them. You know, I didn’t like a lot of what FDR did. I didn’t like how he used government. But a number of times his power was limited dramatically. Struck down by the Supreme Court, they tried to load the Supreme Court. They tried to jam people on the the the Supreme Court packing. They called it. He tried to pack the Supreme Court. And he lost.
And so we’ve had these crises, these momentary crises. Of of, of, of, of, Of, of Threats. But it’s never been like this. It’s never been like this. It’s never been as as as as clear to me. It’s never been as broad, and it’s never been as powerfully done. Meaning the media is standing by and watching it. The media is standing by and watching it, I guess under the guise of. Just hating Trump. You know that there was a reporting from Raheem Kassam and his, his his National Pulse of of some reporters outside and I I think it was caught on video audio but I didn’t hear it. So I can’t vouch for it but but the thrust of it was that they were saying, you know, wouldn’t it be funny If Trump comes To this hearing, you know, he he’s gonna be on the wrong side of the car to somebody take a shot at him. Haha, what if he was wearing a convertible? What if he’s driving in a convertible? Ha ha ha, this kind of sickness. I I don’t know if it’s really true, but I do know that the power of the media and big tech and working with the government. To say evil, evil, evil about other people, about we the People. It’s out of control. It’s out of control and the and the lawfare is using. It’s using the system that makes us so great. It’s using the system to take us down and when it’s done the the shell, the husk of what’s left, won’t be sustainable. It won’t be reproducible, it won’t be able to be reclaimed, and the danger will be. That you’ll have to trust someone. Remember Rahm Emanuel. Never let a crisis go to waste. Just trust us. We’ll fix it. We’ll we’ll do it. We’ll take care of it. You can trust us. You can trust us. Well, why wouldn’t we?
It’s amazing to see and the number of people that should know better that are quiet brings me back to the the the communist Soviet era where people would talk about the power of the powerless and the silence that people had because you just didn’t want to raise your head or your you want to raise your voice or your head because they would. Take it off. That’s what we’re living in. It looks like it feels like it’s dangerous times. Choose your pronouns carefully. We the people, we the people.
Alright we got to take a break be. Right back, Ed. Martin, Pro America Report, back in a moment.