What You Need to Know is the good side of the pandemic. Despite the rapid acceleration of the “cult” of science and Dr. Fauci, Americans are questioning and pushing back against the Narrative Machine. Despite all the knowledge of the world at our fingertips, in the last three decades we have ceded control of our safety and health to outside sources like the government. The pandemic has brought people finally to the brink of distrusting the authority of the federal government. This idea of challenging the authority that’s crept into our lives is the best thing from this last year! From election transparency to healthcare, people aren’t just buying the narrative they’re told.
Hans von Spakovsky, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, describes where we are right now with states’ election reform efforts. Many states are on the move trying to fix vulnerabilities in the system. Also, read his testimony given before the Alaska Senate State Affairs Committee on How States Can Improve the Integrity of Elections.
Roger Stone discusses the civil suit filed against him by the Biden Administration, demanding he pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. Simply put: the Deep State of the federal government is harassing a U.S. citizen. Also, we talk about the four things we need to do to take back this country! Find out about The Roger Stone Legal Defense Fund and all that they are doing.
Wrap Up: The Leftist agenda pushes feminism into supporting things that hurt women. Lots of people don’t recognize it, even though Phyllis Schlafly did. Read this article (from a not-so-conservative source) speaking truth: America Has a Boy Crisis.