WYNK (What You Need to Know) is Speaker Pelosi has chosen Rep. Adam Schiff to lead the attempt to initiate an impeachment, to be the face of the House Democrats vs. President Trump to Americans. As the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Schiff’s opening salvo was to intentionally provide some #FakeNews for networks & influencers to spread to their followers. He can’t be impeached from the House. He can be thrown out.
Scott Presler joins us to report on his last exciting couple of weeks serving Americans and visiting the border.
Andrea Kaye gave me her insights on Rep. Adam Schiff’s evil strategy, and exposes with true fire the GOP’s silence at this attempted coup of a Republican president.
Carrie Severino of Judicial Crisis Network informs us on the strategy being used to attack Supreme Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and what the real purpose is – an attack on the independent judiciary. Is the cost exacted by the Democrats worth getting onto the Supreme Court?
Boris Johnson, working on #Brexit, now is being investigated by the police of London, under the authority of Sadiq Khan, Brexit hating London mayor. When the police are used to take down the duly elected executives – not just in the U.S., but around the world – it’s clear, this will be the end of small r republican government.