For Immediate Release: January 28, 2020
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Washington, D.C.: “Phyllis Schlafly Eagles will confer the 74 Million Club Eagle Award to members of Congress who fearlessly voted to challenge the 2020 Electoral College certifications,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “We will honor the courageous 147 Republicans who stood up for the voices of 74 million patriots that were silenced by fraudulent election results.”
Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, always taught that praising elected officials when they do well is just as important as holding their feet to the fire.
“In that spirit of Phyllis Schlafly,” Martin continued, “Eagles from around the nation are now sending in their nominations for their members of Congress who stood against the stolen election. The conservative movement is bigger than ever with 74 million choosing to support President Trump in 2020. The 147 members of Congress who voted against the stolen election deserve recognition for their dedication to the Constitution and our electoral process. That is the purpose of the 74 Million Club Eagle Award.”
The inspiration for this limited edition honorific comes from the supporters of presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, who formed the “26 Million Club” after the election to celebrate the 26 million voters who had launched a new era in the conservative movement. Conservatives similarly celebrated President Reagan’s transformational landslide victory in 1984 with a “54 Million Club.”
We are grateful to Tennessee Eagle Leader Cecelia DeSonia for the conception of this award. Nominees will continue to be taken and the list of recipients will grow. Find out more about the 74 Million Club at
