I hope nobody listening to this program will forget that tomorrow is Election Day. Our country needs your vote, and if you have any friends who might forget, or who have difficulty getting to the polls, call them up and offer to drive them. So many issues that Americans care deeply about are up for grabs tomorrow. We have a chance to keep racking up victories for our nation and to hold back the insanity of those who wish to destroy our republic.

Tomorrow’s election gives you a chance to choose about what kind of country you want America to be.
President Trump warned us on the campaign trail that we were going to get tired of winning, but I, for one, haven’t found my limit yet! His administration has mounted and often-overlooked list of achievements, surpassing even President Ronald Reagan by this time in his presidency. As of October, it had been tallied that the administration had racked up 289 accomplishments in 18 categories. Two supreme court seats filled (with GOOD justices). Four MILLION jobs added to our economy. Eighty-three percent increase in arrests of MS-13 gang members. Major tax cuts passed for individuals and businesses. The hated NAFTA trade agreement has been renegotiated. North Korea has agreed to peace talks. The President is accomplishing many of the things that detractors said were impossible in 2016. And all of these are wins benefit all of America, not just Trump supporters or the GOP.
On the other side of the aisle, Democratic leadership has plunged into what can only be described as fury and desperation. ANTIFA and violent mobs now appear to be sanctioned arms of the Democrat Party. Even leaders in the Senate who used to operate with some decorum toward their Republican colleagues devolved into a frantic, mud-slinging mess over Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation. The hateful vitriol of the new Democratic left is NOT what Americans want leading this nation.
Tomorrow’s election gives you a chance to choose about what kind of country you want America to be. Will we reward and send support for those who have put us first and solidified American families? Or will we allow chaos, confusion, and desperate hatred to get a foothold in our elected government? Tomorrow, you must decide!