What You Need to Know is how to keep your faith focused during the Christmas season. With all the craziness of politics and the world, it’s easy to get distracted. What my family did is plan ahead for some special Christmas occasions, so that we can have a festive and holy time, but also so we could set our minds on the true meaning of Christmas: the mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Schedule these kinds of events for our family to beat back the frenetic pace of life in America today.
Stephen Willeford, author of A Town Called Sutherland Springs and gun rights spokesman at Gunowners.org, joins Ed to discuss recent gun legislation in the state of Illinois and the ongoing legal battle against their new gun restrictions. Stephen details how their case is being impacted by judges who received campaign contributions from the anti-gun lobby. Stephen also talks about his own experience stopping a mass shooter in a Church with an AR-15
Scott Phelps, writer and head of Abstinence and Marriage Education Partnership (AMP), joins Ed Martin to talk about how to find out what kind of sex education is being taught in your children’s schools. Scott discusses how school administrators and school board members need to know the proper messaging on the importance of abstinence education.
Wrap Up: Every now and then, even the big media says things that are true and honorable. This is the case in a recent Wall Street Journal article by Kimberly Strassel called ‘Sandbagging the Supreme Court.’ She points out how the left’s legal assault on Trump is an assault on the institutions of our political system – and that’s by design.