Give me one reason to vote Democrat; Bridget VanMeans of on the reduction of abortions in Missouri and Trump’s effect; John Schlafly on the latest Schlafly Report entitled No #MeToo for California’s Gender Quotas; Sam Clovis on being attacked for being a Trump supporter; In Swamp News, Testimony: ‘Angry’ Menendez hung up on bureaucrat who wouldn’t help Melgen.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, NYTimes hit piece, stock market high, Democrats obstruct and delay, and voters angry at Democrats for Kavanaugh treatment; Lawyer Will Chamberlain on BOMBSHELL – Ex-boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford raises serious questions about her integrity.; Scott Presler of on the last 34 days until the mid-terms; In Life of the Party, Donald Trump Condemns Down Syndrome-Selective Abortions; In Your Turn, the confidentiality of the FBI report on Kavanaugh; What’s Jeff Flake going to do?