There is a reason why “politics” is a dirty word for so many Americans. When you think about politics, your mind probably conjures up images of stuffed shirt politicians prattling off the same old dusty talking points they have been using for years. For the most part, these talking points have little or no bearing on the reality you and I live in every day. Sadly, that imagery is not too far from the truth in many cases. The halls of bureaucracy are filled with Swamp creatures who only seek power and attention, not the betterment of the American people. However, I am here to tell you that those who are truly passionate about the future of our nation can and will win in the end.
The key advantage that the truly passionate have over the stuffed shirts is that we live out the issues we talk about. If you are passionate about our failing schools, that is probably the case because you have children or grandchildren in those schools. If you are passionate about securing our borders, it is probably because you have a genuine concern for the safety of your family, and rightly so. If you are passionate about protecting the unborn, it is because you have a deeply-held reverence for God’s greatest creation known as the human child.
The biggest mistake passionate conservatives can make is to not talk about why they fight. That is what sets us apart from the Swamp creatures. We do not have the luxury of living in some ivory tower where we can squabble for power and prestige. We are on the ground working and fighting for ourselves and our loved ones. Never underestimate the power of your story. This might seem elementary, but so many good people miss this critical means of making a difference. It will not be the same old talking points that lead us to victory. The undecided can smell stale talking points from a mile away. True conservative victory will come from brave men and women standing up and sharing how conservative policies change lives for the better.