The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report with Ed Martin.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together and a lot to cover. Holy cow, a lot to cover. So much happening.
And let’s start with a little perspective. And I want to make sure you hear about this because it it’s coming. It’s coming and so, uh, welcome again,
Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Visit, you’ll get e-mail updates from there, free if you want. You can subscribe and pay a little. It goes into the coffers to support our work. over on X @EagleEdMartin @EagleEdMartin a lot of fun to be Had over there. So OK.
One theme. For a long time has been the the, the willingness, the interest, the strategic target. Of the left. Of the communists of the Marxist, of the people that hate America to take out major institutions.
So if you look at the universities, our university system in America is one of the great achievements of modern life. Starting in the 19, maybe 20s, 1910s and 20s through the 19, maybe 80s, it was the most. Institution. Almost. Well, I think in in history, to be honest. It it took the. Lower class the working class and pulled them up into the middle and upper class. It transformed it, transformed America. We took the best of the European system in terms of the universities and we made it into an American system and it was. Extraordinary. It took all, it took people, the best, the best people got education, got themselves smart and and uh and formed and they went out in the world and they they they won World War II and they built the economies, they built our government institutions, they served at all the different levels. Go back and look and and and aspects of it were extraordinarily fortuitous. I happen to think it’s providential things like the GI Bill, which had a lot of waste in it, still does, actually, but it mostly was very effective at catapulting People, mostly men, but people into the education system and succeeding and the left had to destroy that. And they have. They basically destroyed the university system. They’ve gutted it in a way that now you go there and you do stuff and you read stuff and you study stuff, maybe. But you don’t get formed.
They did the same thing with other institutions. In some ways, they’ve done it with with our Corporate system, the corporate system that is founded on the patent system that is, you know, dominated by the patent system and and and you know lots of ways that and its success is dominated by the patent system. Lots of ways that the left has tried to destabilize the corporations and and in some ways it’s not just the left, it’s greed and greed.
Greed is good. The greed is good movement took it all the way from, you know, looking out for your self-interest in order to be a good person and to being greedy. And you know, moving your jobs to China because you don’t care about your neighbor. Lots of things like that.
Hollywood, Hollywood was a form was forming our nation and it became, you know, a cesspool. OK, so there’s there’s lots of examples.
But the best examples are, of course the efforts to are the media, the media I think, might have been fairly honest for a period of time, maybe in the ’50s and ’60s. And by the time you get to the ’70s, it’s lying about everything. And they’re mostly lying because the left wants them too, but also because it’s been infiltrated by intelligence. The intelligence forces I think. I mean, that’s what it looks like, but, but here’s what I want to say. All that you know, warm up to this. Oh, gutting the family destabilizing and left wanted to destabilize the family. That’s the best example. Make the family you know no fault divorce. That’s gonna work out great. The no fault divorce a disaster. But that was what the left wanted because they said, you know, some some women are trapped. So give them no fault divorce. They’ll be able to get out. Well, that’s true. In a few cases. They look at some of the what I call conservative feminists, they say, yeah, true in a few cases, but mostly it’s just been a way to get rid of marriage and make marriage into nothing, where if you feel bad for a few weeks and it’s hard work you just leave and it’s a disadvantage in the long run for especially the kids. But even for the the the mom, the husband and wife anyway, so and then that’s another one.
But our legal system is where I wanna go and I and I wanna mention this because I’ll go to the what they’re gonna do next in my opinion.
If you watch carefully if you if you know what to look for. I I have talked about the fact that the left now hates the Supreme Court and the legal system because they can’t use it as cleanly as they did before.
When the Supreme Court decided, made-up out of whole cloth Roe V Wade in 1973, and that the left said, oh, this is great, what a serious court. We think we need a a Constitution that is Growing and we need to, you know, a a growing constitution that will grow with our culture. You know, it’s a living constitution. As it grows, it’ll embrace the things we want, all the rights we want.
And it worked for them as long as they were left-leaning, the Supreme Court, it was lionized. Anthony Kennedy was a thoughtful justice who was a Republican, but he really was thinking. And he went across the aisle. Blah blah blah. And what he wrote in the in the KCV, KCV, the, the, the pro-life case, KCB, Pennsylvania, was it? the the the Pennsylvania based case that basically Kennedy wrote the decision to protect abortion and he talked about how you you basically, can have whatever you want to be your meaning in life, you just make it up and again. This is all different from what we had in our country for 200 years.
And all the way down to Obergefell, where the the Supreme Court decides out of whole cloth. We’ll just redefine marriage. We think we can do it.
And then under Donald J Trump and the Republican Senate, they got control. They got control of the appointees, and they appointed good people. And they’re more conservative.
And it’s not particularly far right wing at all. But it’s more conservative and now? They hate it.
And so in the last five weeks, you’ve seen a concerted efforts been going on for months too, but it’s really ramped up. And so two years ago the Dobbs decision on abortion was leaked. That has never happened, at least in the way that we know it was leaked. I think there probably were leaks in the past, but they, honor among thieves. They didn’t go out and say they had it.
In this case two years ago, the Dobbs decision Leaked and they basically said this is what they wrote. And then they had two months of waiting till it was actually offered and they and they yelled and screamed and and complained. And all we never had Before and everyone said, Oh my gosh, what is this? You know, it’s ugly. And that was two year two years ago now.
In the last six weeks, maybe 8 weeks, we’ve seen a concerted effort to put pressure on Clarence Thomas, attacking his wife, attacking himself, Justice Alito, attacking himself, attacking his wife.
And then, of course, in the last 10 days or two weeks. They had an undercover journalist claims she’s a journalist who recorded and lied about who she was and recorded the fact that, you know it was a O’Keefe kind of thing. She had an undercover mic and she recorded Justice Alito and his wife and Chief Justice Roberts and. And they tried. He tried to. The woman tried to get them to say terrible things they did. It was kind of embarrassing. What what they floated out there, but it’s all meant to be attacks.
Now there’s around the Supreme Court. There’s a fence. Like after January 6th in preparation for the Biden when they wanted to make people see images.
See, it’s theater. The images are if you put up a big fence around the Supreme Court and then show it on TV it it’s not exactly Reassuring. And this is what they want. They want the lack of research. Why is that? The answer is because in the last six weeks. Some one, the clerks, I don’t know, the justices for sure know the decisions that are coming down on presidential immunity, which will knock out a bunch of the cases against Donald Trump on the 1512 charge, which is a January 6 contrivance by the prosecutors. And on a few other cases.
And so, you know, they’re probably being careful because they, they they fear Antifa or someone will storm the Supreme Court, it won’t be conservatives.
But that’s what they’re doing. And remember, the number of people who could leak a decision like the Dobbs decision two years ago, there’s about 100 people. Mike Davis, who clerked on the Supreme Court for Gorsuch and others has said there’s about 100 people that would have knowledge of that case. In other words, would have a draft of the case at that point in the process. You know, the justices and themselves, their clerks. And their clerks is probably, you know, 3 times 9, three times. Yeah, nine. So 27. So now we’re up to 30 people. Secretaries in each office. We’re up to 40 people. And then somebody in the clerk’s office up to, you know, some in the Clerks Office, 50 people, maybe a printer in the building, 60 people less than 100. They know who did it.
I have always believed it was one of the justices who gave it to someone because that’s the one person that the court could not go after. The Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts would not go after the actual. A Supreme Court Justice who did this. So I think that’s what it has to be.
But be that as it may, we know that there’s leaks. We know now that they’re doing this and this is what? Where we are, and so now they’re trying to destabilize the Supreme Court.
This is a flamethrower at the Constitution. No more living constitution, no more, you know, trying to mold public consensus. This is taking a flame thrower to the Constitution, ’cause we can’t win. That’s what this is.
And here’s what my worry is.
The last bastion. The last bastion of the, our nation has been our elections. And many conservatives believe after 2020 that we saw the underbelly and we think, man, there’s something going on here. There’s something wrong. Why do we use electronic machines, that there’s no good reason for them? What is going on here? OK.
In 2024, when the country is really, I think, deciding and maybe a landslide that Donald Trump’s policies, Donald Trump is better than Joe Biden. I think that they will destabilize the election.
And they will now say, OK, you want to, you want to say the elections are bad, you want to see the elections are OK, let’s go. Let’s go ahead and. Let let’s let’s do. That, and let’s make it so that by the time we’re done on November, you know, let’s say 10th, two or three days after the election, four days after the election, we we’ll. Say this is just total chaos, and what do we do now?
And you got a sitting president. Remember when they used to say Trump will never leave office? He’s gonna do it. Whatever it’s. Fine. It’s gonna do that or could do. And So what do you do if you have an election that’s total chaos with lots of things, lots of problems, major problems. Both sides are seeing it and saying it.
Well, there is a provision in the Constitution. You take it to the House, the House of Representatives, and they select the President, and there’s probably a challenge, the US Supreme Court upholds it.
And now you’ve got the half the country, maybe 40%, who are saying, Oh my gosh, I knew it. These people are, you know, these these, these, the institutions are broken, totally broken. And now you’ve gone about delegitimizing, remember. If you can’t have power and use it on the left, then just destroy stuff. That’s the trick.
And we should be worried about it as we watch what they’re doing with the Supreme Court. We should be worried about it. You should be worried about how they’re wielding power and how they’ll decide if. They can’t keep power. Then destroying institutions is the best they can do. That’s what you’re seeing, right?
That’s what you need to know, Ed Martin, Pro America Report, back in a moment.