What You Need to Know is Drain the Swamp is coming. Old Guard politicians just don’t get it. They are getting caught tens of millions of dollars deep into insider trading, and the voting public — who’s basic necessities are skyrocketing in price — are mad about it. Faces from both parties now are moving to ban stock trading by elected office holders, but they just don’t get it. They’ll go back to it. An authentic Drain the Swamp moment is coming for them this fall — it has to.
Lord Conrad Black — historian, columnist, financier, and author — talks about his Am Greatness column The Russia Time Bomb. Black says the Ukraine situation is a farce, and describes in-depth for us what he calls “Gilbert and Sullivan warmongering.” Find all of his writings at ConradMBlack.com.
Tammy Nichols, Idaho state Representative, & Eagle leader, discusses the race for Governor in Idaho. Rep. Nichols explains how voter integrity is one of the biggest issues for Idahoans and how there are several bills being presented during this legislative session to make positive changes. Check out her website — NicholsforIdaho.com.
Wrap up: Happy Valentine’s Day! Don’t forget to show your significant other how much you appreciate them.