… [Read more...] about Are You Financing Women’s Lib and ERA? — February 1974
Federal Spending For Education
One of the evidences that our society has become more materialistic than idealistic is the general presumption that all problems can be solved by spending more money. Nowhere is this delusion so rampant as in the field of education. Between 1961 and … [Read more...] about Federal Spending For Education
Effect of ERA on Family Property Rights — January 1974
The Christmas season is a time for children — and also a time to explode the myth of the alleged population explosion. Our birthrate today is only two children per family. We have already reached Zero Population Growth, and the birth rate is still … [Read more...] about POPULATION EXPLOSION
It has been eleven years since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision banning prayers from public schools, but it still is a mystery how any judge could say that prayer violates the First Amendment, when all that Amendment says is that … [Read more...] about THE PRAYER AMENDMENT
Meditations on Morality — December 1973
Just a few years ago, the principal problems on the college campuses and in the schools were demonstrations, sit-ins, and property destruction of the burn-down-the-ROTC-building variety. Today, the principal problem is violent crime: murder, rape, … [Read more...] about CRIME IN SCHOOLS
Pennsylvania and Colorado Courts Prove ERA Takes Away Rights From Wives — November 1973
The recent horrible crime in Boston, when six youths poured gasoline over a 24-year-old woman and burned her to death, is proof again that many of our young people do not believe in the Ten Commandments and are not morally educated enough to live in … [Read more...] about MORALITY IN SCHOOLS