*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly, 01/26/2010* When the subject of homeschooling comes up, someone usually raises the question of socialization. Critics of homeschooling can't deny that homeschooled students are every bit the academic equal … [Read more...] about Is Socialization a Problem for Homeschoolers?
Jerusalem Embassy Move is a Big Trump Win
Critics of President Trump can call him many things, but weak is not one of those things. When the American people voted for candidate Trump, they knew they were voting for a man who is not afraid to take a stand at personal cost to fulfill his … [Read more...] about Jerusalem Embassy Move is a Big Trump Win
A Child Needs Both a Father and a Mother
*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly, 01/27/2010* Debates about same-sex marriage and gay adoptions always include the argument that a child has the right to both a father and a mother. If that is true, why is a child usually deprived of that … [Read more...] about A Child Needs Both a Father and a Mother
James Madison: Defender of Religious Liberty
While James Madison’s role as the father of the United States Constitution is widely understood, his passion for securing religious freedom is not. Yet there is no principle in all of Madison’s long public career that he held with greater tenacity … [Read more...] about James Madison: Defender of Religious Liberty
They’re ‘Grooming’ Your Children
Libraries are supposed to be places of information and growth. They are supposed to be where we send our children to learn and gain the basic academic skills necessary to succeed in our society. However, LGBT advocates have created a stranglehold on … [Read more...] about They’re ‘Grooming’ Your Children
Changes from Bush to Trump
Amid well-deserved praise for former President George H.W. Bush, unfortunately he did miss the Trump Train. Yet President Trump is showing his class by paying his respects anyway. It is difficult to imagine two Republicans who are more different … [Read more...] about Changes from Bush to Trump
Remembering the Legacy of George H.W. Bush
The Bush political dynasty began when George H.W. Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, was elected U.S. Senator from Connecticut in 1952. A typical liberal Republican of that era, Prescott Bush voted to censure anti-communist Senator Joseph McCarthy in … [Read more...] about Remembering the Legacy of George H.W. Bush
Leftist Facebook Politics Strike Again
Late last year, the drawn-out saga of dismissed Facebook, Inc. executive Palmer Luckey became fully public, and the world saw the viciously un-inclusive face of leftist politics at Facebook. In 2016, Luckey donated $10,000 to an anti-Hillary Clinton … [Read more...] about Leftist Facebook Politics Strike Again
Congress Must Protect Our Patent System
*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly, 01/25/2011* A major reason why the United States has such a high standard of living is that America has produced nearly all the world's important inventions. This is the result of the unique provision in the … [Read more...] about Congress Must Protect Our Patent System
Religious Freedom Day
Each year on January 16 we celebrate Religious Freedom Day in commemoration of the passage of a wonderful Virginia Statute. Thomas Jefferson’s Statute for Religious Freedom, was passed in 1786 by the Virginia Assembly, and served later as the … [Read more...] about Religious Freedom Day